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辽河是辽宁省最大的河。解放前后,中下游几乎是三年两头决口。1955年开始整治,两岸整修了堤防,上游修水库,防洪标准提高到20年一遇,洪害大为减轻。但是,自从辽河干流下游盘山拦河闸建成以后,经十几年的拦河蓄水,拦河闸上下几十里的河道发生严重淤积;加之辽中以下两岸围堤造田,缩窄了河道;尤其是出口滩地繁殖芦苇;建桥修路,层层设障,辽河洪水下泄受阻,防洪标准大为降低。1985年8月辽河干流先后发生4次洪峰,流量只有2000立方米/秒左右,仅相当于20年一遇洪水流量5000立方米/秒的40%,铁岭以下两岸大堤便全线告急,大堤以外的套堤全部溃决,给几个县的人民带来严重灾害,盘锦市受灾更重。洪水过后,各级政府一方面组织受灾群众生产自救,重建家园;另一方面抢修水毁堤防和农田水利工程。与此同时,吸取教训,狠抓沿河套堤的清除。这些工作都是必要的,特别是清障,更是中央和省、市一再强调的。从多年实践经验看,河道出口处的清障尤为重要。辽 Liaohe is the largest river in Liaoning Province. Before and after the liberation, the middle and lower reaches of almost three years burst into two heads. The remediation started in 1955, and the embankments were renovated on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The flood control reservoirs in the upper reaches were upgraded to flood control standards once in 20 years, and flood damage was greatly reduced. However, since the establishment of the Panshan Barrier at the lower reaches of the Liaohe River, severe river siltation occurred over a dozen years of water storage at the barrage and along the embankments below the Liaozhong River, narrowing the river channels; In particular, the reefs are exported from the beach; bridge construction, road barriers, Liaohe floods blocked, greatly reduced flood control standards. August 1985 Liaohe River has occurred four flood peak, the flow rate of only 2000 cubic meters / second, which is equivalent to only 20 years once the flood flow of 5000 cubic meters / second 40%, Tieling the following two embankments will be across the board emergency, outside the embankment The collapse of the embankment all caused serious disasters to the people of several counties and the disaster was even more serious in Panjin City. After the floods, the governments at all levels organized the people affected by the disaster to help themselves and rebuild their homes; on the other hand, they repaired and destroyed the embankments and farmland water conservancy projects. At the same time, learn lessons and pay close attention to the removal of embankments along the river. All these work is necessary. In particular, it has also repeatedly stressed that the Central Government, the province and the city have all set off the trouble. From years of practical experience, the clearance at the river outlet is particularly important. Liao
摘要:全国大学生电子设计竞赛的目的是培养学生的工程能力、设计能力、协作能力。针对参赛学生在竞赛过程中暴露出的问题,提出了针对“大基础、大工程”电气信息类专业实践课程体系和教学模式的改革与创新能力培养的具体措施。  关键词:电子设计竞赛;“大基础、大工程”;实践教学;创新能力  作者简介:徐鹏(1978-),男,安徽宿松人,重庆理工大学电子信息与自动化学院,讲师;杨奕(1970-),男,重庆人,重庆
地下水管理利用情报网成立大会,于1986年6月10—11日在河南新乡召开。会上代表们推举了网长及会网长单位,并决定创办网刊和地下水管理利用信息报。 Groundwater Management