
来源 :煤矿机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seair123
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焦作矿务局是全国少有的大涌水量矿井,每分钟涌水量400米~3左右,约占全国统配煤矿总涌水量的十分之一,消耗的排水用电占全矿井总用电的65%。为了节约能源,降低吨煤成本,扭亏增盈,焦作矿务局于八○年二月底在局机电公司成立了水泵改革组,集中力量专门研究设计制造新型高效大型水泵,以便替换现在使用的SSM250型低效泵。水泵组成立以来,进行了两次设计制造,第一次由于缺乏经验没有达到预期目的。从八○年九月至十二月中旬设计并制造了一台JG10D55型一段水泵,水泵的主要参数为:流量9米~3/分,扬程每级为55米,比转数104,转数1480转/分,吸 Jiaozuo Mining Bureau is one of the few large water inflow mines, gushing water per minute 400 meters to 3 or so, accounting for about one-tenth of the country’s total coal mine water inflow, drain electricity consumption of the total electricity consumption of the whole mine Of 65%. In order to save energy, reduce the cost of tons of coal and turn losses into profits, Jiaozuo Mining Bureau set up a pump reform team at the Bureau of Machinery and Electricity at the end of February 1980 to concentrate on designing and manufacturing new high-efficiency large-size pumps to replace the existing SSM250 Low efficiency pump. Since the establishment of the pump group, two design and manufacturing have been carried out, the first time due to lack of experience did not achieve the intended purpose. From September 1980 to mid-December design and manufacture of a JG10D55 type section of the pump, the pump of the main parameters: flow 9 m ~ 3 / min, lift each level of 55 meters, the ratio of 104, the number of revolutions 1480 r / min, suction
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