A Review and Prospect for Scientific and Engineering Computing in China

来源 :Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahphone
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The rise of scientific computing was one of the most important advances in the S&T progress during the second half of the 20th century. Parallel with theoretical exploration and scientific experiments, scientific computing has become the “third means ” for scientific activities in the world today. The article gives a panoramic review of the subject during the past 50 years in China and lists the contributions made by Chinese scientists in this field. In addition, it reveals some key contents of related projects in the national research plan and looks into the development vista for the subject in China at the dawning years of the new century. The rise of scientific computing was one of the most important advances in the S & T progress during the second half of the 20th century. Parallel with theoretical exploration and scientific experiments, scientific computing has become the “third means” for scientific activities in the world today. The article gives a panoramic review of the subject during the past 50 years in China and lists the contributions made by Chinese scientists in this field. In addition, it reveals some key contents of related projects in the national research plan and looks into the development vista for the subject in China at the dawning years of the new century.
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