天空中闪烁着灿烂的星光,焰火就要绽放了,妈妈和我乘着一列欢乐的火车来到城里。刚下火车,就看到了被装饰得五彩缤纷、充满欢快气氛的市中心。我们兴高采烈地走出了火车站,看见人流如潮的广场,觉得自己一下子被人潮吞没了似的,在人海中我们真切地感受到过年的气氛。走在坐落于亚力河上的百年大桥,像是无意间扑进了一幅巨大的画卷。我联想到曾经看过的一幅名为《墨尔本1830年》的油画。一百多年前,这儿还是一片茫茫的沙地,长满了荒草, 间或有一小株灌木,海浪滔天,没有人烟,也没
The sky shining bright stars, the fireworks will bloom, my mother and I came by the joy of a train to the city. Just off the train, you see the city center is decorated with colorful, full of cheerful atmosphere. We happily walked out of the train station, saw the crowded square, feel suddenly swallowed up like a crowd in the sea we really feel the atmosphere of the New Year. Walk in the hundred years bridge located on the Yali River, like accidentally flutter into a huge picture. I recalled a painting I had seen before, entitled “Melbourne 1830”. Over a hundred years ago, there was still a vast expanse of sandy land covered with weeds and grass, with a small shrub, the waves were monstrous, no human being, no