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你需要了解的事1.拍照对胎儿有影响吗?拍照本身对胎儿没有不良影响,只是不要让孕妇过于疲劳,或者摆弄一些压迫腹部以及高难度的危险动作。同时,孕期应该避免经常上妆和长时间强光直射。如果是偶尔上妆和短时间拍摄,对孕妇和胎儿的影响很小。2.拍照的最佳孕周拍孕妇照一般选择在怀孕7个月左右比较合适,最晚不要超过9个月。7个月时孕妇的肚子已经凸出得很明显,但不至于过于肿大而造成行动不便。9个月以后胎动比较厉害,孕妇的行动也十分不便,稍有不慎会引发早产等意外状况。可以从4个月开始拍摄孕程照,记录小宝宝的逐渐成长和肚型变化。1简单坦诚的沟通拍摄前,摄影师与孕妇之间应有细致的沟通,让准妈妈了解孕期照的价值和意义。整个拍摄过程中也要与孕妈多沟通,以朋友的心态交流,了解她期待的拍摄效果,站在她的角度,打消她内心的顾虑和紧张。在具体拍摄方面,应如实告诉她相机能做到的以及需要通过后期才能做到的,并且用原片与后期照片的对照图,帮助她了解一张照片的完成过程,以及为达到某种效果需要孕妈配合的地方。通过简单坦诚的沟通,她会放下思想包袱,信任摄影师并建立起留下完美影像的信心。 What you need to know 1. Does the photograph have an impact on the fetus? The photograph itself has no adverse effect on the fetus, just do not let the pregnant woman become too tired, or play with some oppressive abdomen and difficult dangerous actions. At the same time, pregnancy should avoid frequent makeup and prolonged glare. If it is occasionally makeup and short shots, the impact on pregnant women and fetuses is small. 2. Taking pictures of the best gestational age Pregnant women photographing the general choice of about 7 months of pregnancy is more appropriate, the latest not more than 9 months. At 7 months pregnant women’s belly has been prominent, but not too swollen and cause disability. After 9 months more severe fetal movement, pregnant women’s action is also very inconvenient, a little careless will lead to premature birth and other unexpected conditions. Starting from 4 months pregnant photos can be taken to record the gradual growth of the baby and belly changes. A simple and honest communication Prior to filming, photographers and pregnant women should have a detailed communication between, so mothers understand the value and significance of pregnancy photos. Throughout the filming process, we should also communicate with the pregnant mother to exchange the mentality of friends to understand her look forward to the shooting effect, from her point of view, to dispel her inner concerns and tension. In the specific shooting, should tell her the camera can do and need to be done later, and with the original photos and post-mortem photos, to help her understand the completion of a photo and to achieve some effect Need pregnant mother with the place. Through simple and honest communication, she will put down the burden of thought, trust the photographer and establish the confidence to leave a perfect picture.