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写好好了,除了要注意句子的语法结构外,还需讲究逻辑。正如吕叔湘先生说:“尽管一个句子的结构是正确的,要是事理上讲不过去,这句话还是不通。”因此,讲究逻辑十分必要而且重要。那么,如何解决这个问题呢?我认为主要有如下几点: 了、注意代词的使用。代词是指具有指别、称代作用的词。当代同的性、数指代不明时,会使读者困惑不解,例如:“Joan asked her sister if she had been invited to the party ”、句中“She”是指“Joan”还是指“her sister”,不清楚。但如改成 Writing well, in addition to paying attention to the grammatical structure of the sentence, but also need to pay attention to logic. As Mr. Lu Shuxiang said: “Although the structure of a sentence is correct, if it is not sensible to say it, this sentence is still unreasonable.” Therefore, it is necessary and important to pay attention to logic. So, how to solve this problem? I think there are mainly the following points: Pay attention to the use of pronouns. Pronouns refer to words that have fingerings and substitutions. When contemporary sexuality and numbers are unknown, readers will be confused. For example: “Joan asked her sister if she had been invited to the party” and “She” in the sentence means “Joan” or “her sister.” "Unclear. But if you change it
奖金没了老板发现上班聊QQ现象比较严重,就建了一个QQ群,说:“以后开会就在群里开啊,开完会必须关掉QQ,不准私自聊天,否则扣除当月奖金。” Bonus not the boss found work
生命和生活,自然和万物都潜藏着某种契机,给自己倒上一杯茶或是一杯柠檬水再加上一曲肖邦,静下来,再静下来,你会感觉你正在以一颗艺术的心触摸着生命! Life and life, natur
因为工作,我曾悉心采访过无数位上至共和国老红军、老将军,下到军中普通一兵或是辖区普通一民,却惟独不曾用一点点时间,来倾听祖母讲讲她的人生经历和内心感受。 Because of
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杰茜卡·沃森是澳大利亚海滨城市布里斯班市的一位小姑娘,她天生就有恐水症,甚至会在洗澡时因为妈妈多放了一点水而大哭起来,她的妈妈曾无奈地叹息说家里出了一只旱鸭子。 J