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冰雪消融,春天的脚步近了。 回望过去的一年,共和国战胜了百年不遇的洪水、顶住了东南亚金融风暴的冲击,国民经济实现7.8%的稳定增长;经济体制改革稳步推进。一年来,全省外经贸广大干部职工齐心协力,奋力拼博,取得了比预料要好的成绩。正如山东省外经贸委主任王春涛同志前不久在全省外经贸工作会议上所说的:“我省作为受金融危机冲击的‘重灾区’,外经贸能够保持一定的规模是极为不易的。” 世纪更迭,澳门回归,共和国50华诞——1999,我们有幸共度这世纪末最不寻常的一年。金融危机余孽未除,欧元正式启动,中国加盟WTO日近,国有企业体制改革进入关 The melting of snow and ice, the pace of spring is near. Looking back at the past year, the Republic defeated the flood that had not been encountered for a hundred years, resisted the impact of the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia, achieved a steady growth of 7.8% in the national economy, and steadily advanced the reform of the economic system. In the past year, the vast number of cadres and workers of the province’s foreign trade made concerted efforts to fight hard and achieved better results than expected. Just as Comrade Wang Chuntao, the director of the Shandong Provincial Committee of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, said at the conference of foreign economic and trade work in the province not long ago: “Our province, as a hard-hit area hit by the financial crisis, is extremely difficult for foreign trade to maintain a certain scale.” With the change of the century, the return of Macao, the 50th anniversary of the republic - 1999, we were fortunate enough to share the most unusual year of this century. The remaining of the financial crisis has not been eliminated, the euro officially started, China’s accession to the WTO is approaching, and the state-owned enterprise system reform has entered the customs
在最近举办的“MV China 2008”机器视觉展上,GigE (超高速以太网)——一种除了FireWire,USB和CameraLink以外的全新选择——被视作了未来电缆领域的最新标准。首个摄像领域
如今中国加入世贸组织成为举世关注的热点。南京大学国际商学院副院长刘厚俊教授认为,当前社会上关于“入世”存在着许多误区,归纳起来主要有以下三个方面: 一是只关注“入
一、出口值比去年同期减少8% 1.据台湾纺拓会报告,今年1至7月台湾纺织品及服装出口值为81.4亿美元,占其出口总值的12.1%,比去年同期减少8%;出口量为221.3万吨,比去年同期增长1%
从有关方面获悉,海关总署最近决定自1999年1月起,对国家鼓励发展的内外资项目进口设备海关审批手续作调整。主要内容有: 一、原由总署转发各海关执行的限额以上项目和国务
一天,休漠带着众弟子路过田野。休漠指着田野问弟子说:“你们看田野里长着此什么?” “杂草。”众弟子异口同声地回答 “那你们告诉我,要怎样才能除掉这此杂草?” 众
为进一步加大治理整顿工作的力度,创造一个公平竞争、规范有序的国际货运代理经营秩序,外经贸部近日发出通知,要求切实做好1998—1999年度的国际货运代理企业年审工作。 In
济宁市外经贸工作继续保持良好发展势头 一月份,济宁市外经贸工作继续保持良好发展势头,全市完成进出口总额1246万美元,较去年同期增长21%,其中出口额1075万美元,增长23.6%,进
类别设限数单位清关数清关率*200775:577KG666,53285 .921812,088,817M210,333,85585 .52192,598,589M2日39,49532 .32256,618,938M2702,54910.622611,799,484M27,262,90361.
据青岛海关统计,今年1-2月份山东省进出口22.52亿美同比增长3%,其中出口14.49亿美元,增长3.2%;进口8.03亿美元,增长2.7%。今年1-2月份山东省进出口主要有以下特点: According