
来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nancyqi117
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建国以来,各级工会在不同的历史时期,为履行工会的各项社会职能,投入大量人力、物力、财力,创办了多种类型的企事业(如海员俱乐部、疗养院、职工大学、工人文化宫、消费合作社、职业介绍所等),这对于为职工群众服务,活跃职工文化生活,提高职工队伍素质和促进“三个文明”建设都起到积极作用。随着社会主义市场经济体制改革力度的不断加大,以及我国已加入WTO,工会事业面临的市场竞争日趋激烈,同时也给工会企事业的发展提供了机遇。计划经济体制下的工会企事业发展缓慢,与广大职工群众和新时期工会工作的要求不相适应,必须摆脱管理体制上存在的弊端,加快改革步伐,促进工会企事业发展。 一、工会企事业发展中所面临的困难和问题 l.主管工会与所属企事业之间产权不清、职责不明。 在计划经济体制下形成的工会企事业的管理体制的弊端是:政企不分,企事业的所有权和经营权统一于主管工会,造成主管工会与所属企事业之间产权不清、职责不明,企事业成为主管工会的附属物,而企事业既 Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, trade unions at all levels have devoted a great deal of manpower, material resources and financial resources to fulfilling the social functions of trade unions in different historical periods. Many types of enterprises (such as seafarers’ clubs, nursing homes, workers’ universities, workers’ cultural houses, Consumer cooperatives, employment agencies, etc.). This has played a positive role in serving the workers and staff, invigorating the cultural life of workers and staff, improving the quality of the workforce and promoting the building of the “Three Civilizations.” As the reform of the socialist market economic system continues to intensify and our country has acceded to the WTO, the market competition in trade unions is becoming increasingly fierce. At the same time, this has provided opportunities for the development of trade unions and enterprises. The slow development of the trade unions and enterprises under the planned economy has not matched the requirements of the broad masses of workers and staff and the work of trade unions in the new period. It is necessary to get rid of the malpractices in the management system, accelerate the pace of reform and promote the development of trade unions and enterprises. I. Difficulties and Problems Facing the Development of Trade Unions in Enterprises and Enterprises l. The unclear property rights and unclear responsibilities between the supervisory union and the affiliated enterprises and institutions. The malpractices of the management system of trade unions and enterprises formed under the planned economic system are: the separation of government from enterprises, the unification of the ownership and management of enterprises and enterprises with the competent labor unions, the unclear property rights between the competent labor unions and the enterprises and their affiliated companies, Enterprises and enterprises to become an adjunct to the union, and enterprises both
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