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  For 1)alpaca farmer Ignacio Huamani and his young family, life in the 2)Peruvian3)Andes, at almost 4,700 m above sea level, has always been a struggle against the 4)elements. His village of Pichccahuasi, in Peru’s Huancavelica region, is little more than a collection of small 5)thatched shelters and herds of alpaca surrounded by beautiful yet 6)bleakly 7)inhospitable mountain terrain. The few hundred people who live here are 8)hardened to poverty and months of sub-zero temperatures during the long winter. But, for the fourth year running, the cold came early. First their animals and now their children are dying and in such 9)escalating numbers that many fear life in the village may be rapidly approaching an end.
  In a world growing ever hotter, Huancavelica is an 10)anomaly. These communities living at the edge of what is possible face extinction because of increasingly cold conditions in their own 11)microclimate, which may have been altered by the rapid melting of the glaciers. A consequence is that 12)Quechua-speaking farmers and their families, who have managed to subsist for centuries at high altitude, believe they may not make it through the next winter.
  The cold is 13)tipping Pichccahuasi into a14)spiralling decline brought on by 15)pneumonia, 16)bronchitis and hunger. Although designed to withstand the cold, Huamani’s house is crumbling and his roof, half-collapsed from the snowstorms that 17)battered the village last June and July, offers scant protection from the freezing wind and rain. His family, including four young children, sleep on wet ground night after night. His children have not yet recovered from illnesses begotten of this year’s winter and he is terrified that they won’t be 18)resilient enough to endure further freezing weather. He points to his youngest son, aged two, who 19)trails after him, soaking wet and 20)racked with 21)bouts of coughing, as he goes about his work. “All the children here are sick, they all have breathing problems,” he says. “The problem is there is too much cold, too much rain. We have had no time to recover from last winter before it has begun again. There is nothing I can do.”
  Climate change campaigners and NGOs say that the failure of 22)Copenhagen has signed the 23)death warrant for hundreds of thousands of the world’s poorest and that a quarter of a million children will die before world leaders meet again to try to 24)thrash out another 25)deal at the United Nations next climate change conference in Mexico in December. Among them may be these children of the high mountains.
  Enduring prolonged sub-zero temperatures is 26)a matter of course for Peru’s 27)indigenous mountain people, many of whom live at more than 3,000 m above sea level. 28)Scores die every year from the cold, but in recent years the number of people 29)succumbing to the freezing temperatures has triggered talk of a national crisis. This year the neighbouring district of Puno saw a severe 30)spike in child 31)mortality as the winter brought months of high winds and relentless ice storms. Government figures record that more than 300 children died in Puno in May last year from the cold; NGOs say that the figure was probably much higher.
  The changing weather has come on top of a lack of basic health services, animal diseases, rising food prices, and a declining availability of water. Since 2007, children’s acute respiratory infections have increased by 30% and 32)staple food production has fallen by 44%. Latest figures show that one in 10 children do not live to see their first birthday.
  Ignacio Huamani says that the main problem his village faces is a lack of water, as more extreme temperatures mean there is no grass or drinking water for the alpaca that people breed for wool and meat. “If the alpaca die, then we all die,” he says. He works with his neighbours to build shelters for the alpaca to give some protection from the elements, but he is fighting a losing battle. Since 2007, alpaca mortality in Huancavelica has more than doubled, with pregnant animals aborting their 33)calves, a huge psychological as well as economic blow to people who rely on their ability to keep their herds alive. Any money the village has is spent on trying to keep their animals from dying. NGOs and children’s groups working in the area warn that in such desperate situations, the lives of alpaca become more valuable than those of children.
  “The welfare of children is 34)sidelined because the situation is so bad that everything has become about the survival of the animals, both for the families themselves and the agencies who are trying to support them,” says Teresa Carpio, director of 35)Save the Children Peru. “In the west we tend to think that children take priority above all else, but when there is this level of desperation, children can be the last to get the attention they so badly need—until it is too late.”
  There is anger among Huancavelica’s mountain people at what they see as the inaction of regional and central government. “Our men have gone and talked to people in the government and told them what is happening to us, but they do nothing. We are not important to them, so we die up here and nobody helps us.” says Carolina Flores, a mother of six whose six-month-old daughter is dangerously ill with pneumonia.
  伊格纳西奥·万曼尼说,他们村庄面临的最主要的问题是缺水,越来越冷的天气意味着人们为得到羊毛和肉而养的羊驼没有草吃,没有水喝。“如果羊驼死了,我们也会全都死掉,” 他说。他正和邻居们一起给羊驼建造茅屋,抵御天气变化。可是,他打的却是一场必败的仗。自2007年以来,万卡维利卡地区的羊驼死亡率增加了一倍多,怀孕的动物不断流产,原本靠这些动物维持生计的人们受到巨大的心理及经济打击。村庄所有的钱都用于保护其牲畜的生命。非政府组织及该地区的儿童机构警告,在如此恶劣的情况下,羊驼的生命变得比儿童的生命更宝贵。
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