十分重視小麥播種工作 為實現明年小麥增產任務而努力

来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qian7122011
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隨着國家經濟建設的發展,城市人口和工業人口的日益增加,以及廣大農民生活的逐步改善,粮食需要量大大增加了。因此增產粮食就成為今後相當長時期內農業生產戰綫上的第一位任務。在增產粮食中,小麥增產尤為重要,這是因為小麥不僅是供給城市和改善人民生活的主要食粮;而且是我们國家主要商品粮食之一。因此增產小麥有着更為重要的意義。一九五四年我省小麥增產任務:要在一九五三年基礎上擴大播種面積百分之五左右;同時要集中力量,提高單位面積產量,要求全省 With the development of the country’s economy, the increasing population of the city and the industrial population, and the gradual improvement of the life of the majority of peasants, the demand for food has greatly increased. Therefore, increasing grain production has become the first task on the agricultural production front in the relatively long period of time to come. The increase in wheat production is particularly important in increasing grain production because wheat is not only the staple food that supplies cities and people’s lives but also one of the staple food commodities in our country. Therefore, wheat production has more important significance. In 1954, the task of increasing wheat production in our province was to increase the sown area by about 5% on the basis of 1953. At the same time, we should concentrate on and increase the yield per unit area and required the province
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中央人民政府农业部負責人就目前在全国範圍內開展愛國主義農业生產競賽中的幾個問題,答新華社記者問。問答如下: 问:自李顺達互助组向全国互助组提出生產挑戰後,目前全國愛
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为促进我国科技论文和科技期刊进入国际权威检索系统,提高我国在国际上的学术地位,对1989-1998年四川省高校科技论文被美国《科学引文索引》 (Science Citation Index,SCI)收
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