
来源 :中国科技期刊研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tp20201892
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为促使中国科协及所属全国学会主办的科技期刊更好地服务科技自主创新,加强学术交流功能,推进实施精品科技期刊战略,提高科技期刊核心竞争力,提高全国学会为实施科教兴国战略、人才强国战略服务的能力,中国科协组织开展了2006年精品科技期刊工程资助项目的申报和评审工作。根据中国科协精品科技期刊工程项目专家评审委员会初审和终审结果,决定对106种科技期刊给予项目资助,资助项目 In order to promote the scientific and technological periodicals sponsored by China Association for Science and Technology and its affiliated national institutes to better serve the independent innovation of science and technology, strengthen the academic exchange function, promote the strategy of quality sci-tech periodicals and improve the core competitiveness of sci-tech periodicals, Powerful strategic service capabilities, China Association for science and technology to carry out the 2006 sci-tech periodical project funded projects declaration and review. According to the preliminary review and the final result of the experts’ jury of the project of CAST High-quality Journals of Science and Technology, it was decided to grant the project subsidy to 106 kinds of sci-tech periodicals and to subsidize the projects
六十年代植物保护仍以化学防治为主。近年来随着农药长期、大量的使用,防治效果逐渐下降,残毒危害加大,药剂中毒不时发生。因此,生产高效、低毒的新 Plant protection in t
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桉树在印度已被列为刺查斯坦干燥与半干燥地区造林的弑用树种。1959年苗圃中的棒头桉(Eucalyptusgomphocephela D.C.)幼苗管发生大量的死亡,其后此病甚至波及到二年生的植株
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