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刘金发是远近出名的老放羊倌,他硬是靠着放羊,供儿子读完了高中,考上了大学,后来居然供儿子读完了研究生。不久,儿子竟考上了公务员,刘金发心里别说有多舒坦了!从此这老羊倌便扔掉了放羊的鞭子,坐在家里的安乐椅上享起了清福,原本一个瘦老头不到一个月,那员外肚子就鼓了起来。这真是,人逢盛世精神爽,喝口凉水也发胖。但是,好日子没过多久,刘金发老汉突然像丢了魂似的坐卧不宁,白天吃不下饭,晚上睡不着觉,原本一 Liu Jinfa is far and near famous old sheep, he just rely on sheep, for his son finished high school, admitted to the university, and later actually for his son read a graduate student. Soon, my son actually admitted to the civil service, Liu Jinfa mind not to mention how comfortable! Since then the old sheep will throw away the sheep’s whip, sitting in the comfort of the home to enjoy the blessing, had a thin old man less than one Month, that member drum up outside the stomach. This is really, people every Spirit Spirit, drink cold water is also fat. However, a long time did not take long, Liu Jinfa old man suddenly lost like a restless soul, eat during the day, sleep at night, the original one
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