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在社保费征缴工作中,缴费人数是个十分重要的统计指标。分析征缴工作,记清个人账户,有针对性的进行征缴,以及开展社会保险精算等都离不开缴费人数。当期缴费人数是反映统计期内实际依法缴费的人数。按统计期分,有月缴费人数、季缴费人数、年缴费人数。如果月缴费人数准确无误,年缴费人数就不会 In the collection of social insurance premiums, the number of contributors is a very important statistical indicator. Analysis of the collection, clear individual accounts, targeted for collection, as well as social security actuarial and so are inseparable from the number of contributors. The current payment figures reflect the actual payment according to law during the statistical period. According to the statistic period, there are monthly payment amount, quarter payment amount and annual payment amount. If the number of monthly payments is accurate, the annual fee will not
  Because of its essential role, the modulator is the most critical part of a GC × GC instrument.It has been reported that a number of trapping anomalies hav
  Headspace Solid Phase Micro Extraction (HS-SPME) is a modem solvent-free extraction technique widely used for the characterization of the volatile fraction
  The analysis of the complex products formed during Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis is well established, yet the process is still laborious and fraught with pitfal
It has been a long debate between the semantic relativists and the semantic universalists. The relativity semanticists believe that there are as many conceptual
  A method for multi-residue screening of pesticide in aqueous sample was developed using sequential stir bar sorptive extraction and thermal desorption-compr
  Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC× GC) is a high resolution and high sensitivity technique.It is especially suitable for the separation