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1994年1月1日我国出台了外汇管理体制改革八项措施。其主要内容有;实行外汇收入结汇制,取消外汇分成;实行银行售汇制,允许人民币在经常项目下有条件可兑换;建立银行间外汇市场,实行人民币汇率并轨,实行以市场供求为基础的,单一的、有管理的浮动汇率制等等。这次汇制改革是我国改革开放以来,在外汇管理方面的第一次真正意义上的改革,迈出了汇率由计划决定到市场决定的关键一步,它标志着我国社会主义市场经济体制的进一步确立,国家调控经济将更多地采用经济和法律手段。汇制改革对我国宏观经济和微观经济都将产生深远的影响。我国企业将在更高程度上参与世界经济国际化、一体化体系,提高国际竞争力。 On January 1, 1994, China introduced eight measures for the reform of the foreign exchange management system. Its main contents include the implementation of the foreign exchange earnings settlement system and the elimination of foreign exchange sharing; the implementation of the bank’s system of foreign exchange sales, allowing the RMB to be conditionally convertible under the current account; establishing the inter-bank foreign exchange market, implementing the exchange rate of the RMB exchange rate, and implementing the market supply and demand as the basis. Single, managed floating exchange rate system and so on. This exchange reform is the first real reform in foreign exchange management since China’s reform and opening up. It has taken a crucial step in determining the exchange rate from the decision of the plan to the market, and it marks the further development of China’s socialist market economic system. It is established that the state regulates and controls the economy will adopt more economic and legal means. Exchange reform will have a far-reaching impact on both China’s macro economy and micro economy. Chinese enterprises will, to a greater degree, participate in the internationalization and integration of the world economy and increase their international competitiveness.
一、何谓“维持现状”? 二、何谓“逐步回退”? 三、关贸总协定贸易政策评审机制具有哪些作用? 四、何谓“市场准入”? 五、关贸总协定工作组是什么性质的组织?它有哪些职权
一、建立多边贸易组织的背景是什么? 关贸总协定的组织体系是存40多年协调国际贸易关系中,不断地、逐步地建立完善起来的。由于关贸总协定在适应国际关系变化的过程中,不断