1969年12月24日 星期三 晴 这次我光荣的(地)参加了红小兵,我很激动。这是我在革命的道路上迈开了第一步,但是今后革命的路程更长,工作更伟大更艰苦。我一定要用毛泽东思想武装我的头脑,用毛泽东思想指导我的行动,做到一言一行让毛主席满意,一举一动让毛主席放
Wednesday, December 24, 1969 I was very excited to participate in Hong Xiaobing this glorious event. This is the first step I took on the road to revolution, but the revolution will take a longer journey and work harder and harder. I must arm my mind with Mao Zedong Thought, guide my actions with Mao Zedong Thought, and be satisfied with Chairman and Chairman Mao Zedong's words and actions, let Chairman Mao put every move