
来源 :中国煤炭工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tiffany100
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十八大报告中强调,总结十年奋斗历程,最重要的就是我们勇于推进实践基础上的理论创新,围绕坚持和发展中国特色社会主义提出一系列紧密相连、相互贯通的新思想、新观点、新论断,形成和贯彻了科学发展观。面向未来,必须把科学发展观贯彻到我国现代化建设全过程、体现到党的建设各方面。确立科学发展观的指导地位,表明我们党又一次实现了指导思想的与时俱进,这是十八大的历史性贡献。回顾以往十年的发展历史,正是在扎实践行科学发展观的基础上,煤炭行业取得了长足的进步,行业整体面貌发生了深刻而巨大的变化,为保障经济和社会发展作出了历史性的贡献。当前,中国煤炭工业进入一个新的历史发展时期,既具有广阔的发展前景和发展机遇,又面临新的考验和挑战。在新的发展起点上,科学发展观仍是我们需切实秉承的理论旗帜和行动纲领。《中国煤炭工业》杂志以深入贯彻落实十八大会议精神、切实践行科学发展观为主旨,开展系列述评,以提升全煤行业发展的科学化水平,推动煤炭行业健康可持续发展。 The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that the most important thing to sum up the course of our 10-year struggle is to innovate our theory based on our courage to advance practice. By proposing a series of new ideas and new ideas that are closely linked and inter-related around the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, New assertion, the formation and implementation of the scientific concept of development. Facing the future, we must carry out the scientific concept of development into the entire process of China’s modernization and reflect all aspects of party building. The establishment of the guiding status of the scientific concept of development shows that our party once again achieved the guiding principle of keeping pace with the times, which is the historic contribution of the 18th CPC National Congress. Recalling the development history of the past decade, it is precisely on the basis of practicing the scientific concept of development that the coal industry has made great strides and profound and enormous changes have taken place in the overall situation of the industry, making historical and historic achievements in safeguarding economic and social development Contributions. At present, China’s coal industry has entered a new period of historical development. It not only has broad prospects for development and opportunities for development, but also faces new challenges and challenges. In the new starting point for its development, the scientific concept of development remains the theoretical banner and program of action that we need to effectively uphold. “China Coal Industry” magazine to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the CPC, practical implementation of the concept of scientific development as the theme, to carry out a series of reviews to enhance the scientific development of coal industry level and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the coal industry.
春天是清纯娇羞的小姑娘,柔情而娇媚;秋天是端庄而平静的少妇,深邃而成熟;冬天是历经沧桑的老人,自然而沉静;唯有夏天,有火一般的热情,处处都是画意。  轰隆隆!震耳欲聋的雷声惊醒了沉睡中的你,窗外时不时有闪电的强光跃入屋里。走出门去,你一定看得到天空被撕开的云层,似乎只是一瞬间,便有卵石般的雨点砸下来、砸下来,一如胖娃娃般前赴后继,那么迫不及待。这雨啊,倘若一时半会歇不下来,而你又不得不出门,它便会