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1那河到底有多深,没人知道,就像一个谜,只见谜面,没有谜底。河面冰封后,这个疑问暂时终止,直至春雷响起,雨燕飞来,风里有了丝丝暖意,这疑问才会萌生新一轮好奇。杨柳站得有些累了,僵硬的枝条儿在春风的呼唤中开始苏醒,如一束发丝随风拂动。从远处看,河畔的柳树更像浣衣的女人,脱下棉衣的腰身一天天柔软俏丽起来。向阳的山坡上淡绿的草尖开始探头探脑,虫子在根部缓缓爬动,哗哗的河水也变得响亮起来。河流是村庄的点睛之笔,一条藏有谜面的河流,带着一个心结,流淌出一种与众不同的声音。无论是大人还是孩娃,面对这条河流, 1 How deep is the river in the end, no one knows, like a mystery, I saw the riddle, there is no answer. After the river froze, the suspect temporarily ceased until the spring thunder sounded and the Swift flew in and the wind had a faint warmth. This doubt will spark a new round of curiosity. Willow stood a little tired, stiff branches children wake up in the spring breeze calls, such as a bunch of hair blowing in the wind. From a distance, the river willows more like a woman Huan Yi, take off the waist of the cotton soft pretty day. The light green grass on the sunny slopes began to probe the brain, insects crawling slowly in the roots, the rushing river became loud. The river is the crowning touch of the village, a mysterious river, with a knot, flowing a distinctive voice. Whether adults or children, in the face of this river,
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高中生物教学备课中设计课堂练习是非常重要的一环.按其练习的作用,可分以下几种类型. 一、引入型这类题目意在利用学生已知的知识作为向导,一步一步地引入新的知识,通过练