漫步南法 优雅尼斯

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  Nice, the capital of the Cote d’Azur is beautifully curved around the Bay of Angels and is an anytime destination. Spring and autumn are generally perfect for outdoor activities, summer for sun bathing and in winter the weather may be mild enough for lunch on a terrace.
  France’s fifth city has become a favorite weekend retreat for Parisians and other heatseeking Europeans but to discover different facets of the city, it takes at least four days.
  A relaxing vacation in Nice starts from the Promenade des Anglais, with the sparkling Baie des Anges (Bay of Angels) on your right toward the south and the city arching round the bay on your left to the north. This expressive, main coastal road was built in the 19th century when the English took to spending the winter in Nice.
  And no one has ever missed the landmark Le Negresco in the past 100 years. The Negresco’s own story is as compelling as the world-famous English Promenade (the Promenade des Anglais) and the sweeping bay of Angels.
  You can’t say you’ve been to Nice if you haven’t walked down the boardwalk in the broiling sun and haven’t noticed men and women in elegant attire slithering out of Jaguars and into Le Negresco.
  Restaurant Le Chantecler (inside Le Negresco)
  The restaurant of the legendary Le Negresco was awarded its second star by the Michelin Guide in August 2012, saluting the work of chef Jean-Denis Rieubland and his team. The dining room has kept its Regency style decor and beautiful 18thcentury wood paneling. Chef Rieubland defines its cuisine and style as “inspired by Provence, its products and traditions” and likes to pass on his love of authenticity.
  What to eat ?
  Le Negresco (37, Promenade des Anglais, Nice)
  Overlooking Nice’s Promenade des Anglais, Hotel Le Negresco is one of the world’s few remaining privately owned palaces. The hotel brasserie La Rotonde is worth checking out with its striking decor of vibrant colors and an 18th-century carousel of wooden horses. The terrace opens onto the sea and the sun.
  Where to stay ?

  Landmark hotel:Le Negresco
  A landmark hotel with a century of history, it enfolds guests into 400 years of French culture across six floors. Treasures from Louis XIII’s reign to modern days fill in niche. It’s not simply a luxurious hotel but an intimate and impressive French art museum: Negresco owes its strong identity partly to a large art collection of more than 6,000 works. Guests can admire the generous forms of Nikie Saint Phalle’s Nana Jaune in the Royal Lounge or the series of carpets designed by Raymond Moretti. The ballroom-sized main public space has a glass dome made in Gustave Eiffel’s workshops and a French chandelier ordered by Czar Nicholas II for the Kremlin.
  Strolling along the coastline from Le Negresco and heading to the Old Town (Vieux Nice) is a pleasant journey, enfolding sea, sun, sky and old town nestled in among it all. The city, with different facets and period architecture, is surprising in its personality and dynamism.

  Market on ramparts
  Perhaps the greatest of Vieux Nice’s treasures is the cours Saleya. The pedestrian area was built on the ramparts dismantled in the early 18th century. In this rectilinear baroque ochre setting, the flower and vegetable markets are held every day except Monday and provide a feast for the eyes and a delight for the taste buds.
  Vieux Nice is lively and animated, with a strong Italian influence. There are a multitude of small, inexpensive pizzerias, restaurants and gelato shops. Don’t forget to try socca before you leave the old town; it’s a chickpea crepe that has been deep fried in batter.
从全球范围来看,中国影像收藏近几年的涨势也相当可观。包括酒店等机构在内的收藏者们对此越来越热衷,老照片犹如纸杂文献市场中的硬通货,未来一段时间经过不断梳理和考证的原版老照片以及具有史料价值的摄影集,定将成为收藏热点。  从上海贝轩大公馆挂满民国著名银行家贝祖诒家族全家福及与张学良、宋子文等人的合影的花哨大堂,到上海世博洲际酒店挂满英国名人老照片的英式古典酒吧,越来越多的高档酒店都将极其富有时代韵味
2011年初,当肖磊一口气爬上厦门云顶岩山顶,映入眼帘的是“万石涌翠”的景色。在闽南温润气候的滋养之下,这座石质的山头,鳞次栉比的山石上植被生长异常繁茂,连缝隙都被绿色密密层层包裹起来。偶尔裸露在外的灰褐色的石质,反而成了万绿丛中的点缀。  绿色植被在山石间野蛮生长的有趣地貌,彻底激发了肖磊的设计灵感。作为上海间筑设计的建筑师,他竟然有了在此地进行建筑实验的“冲动”。“日本建筑师常将建筑物拔地而起
[认识惠山泥人]  当年的泥塑艺人大多都是看祠堂的人,祠堂是祭祀祖先的房屋。惠山祠堂密度很高,在其他地方也不多见。当年的48家泥人店就穿插在这些大大小小的祠堂间。由于仅靠看祠堂维持不了生计,闲暇时就靠捏泥人来补贴家用。很有名气的就是丁阿金,他当年就是看华孝子祠的,而泥人的模型源于古镇上每天表演的戏曲中的人物。早期的惠山泥人以儿童玩具为主,统称为“耍货”。春季,江苏地区会举行迎神庙会活动,庙会上,艺
上海朱家角皇家金煦花园酒店  上海朱家角皇家金煦大酒店作为青浦区高星级度假商务酒店,地处江南古镇——朱家角旅游景区内,占地面积33327平方米。酒店整体风格古朴典雅,随处可见花格木雕艺术装饰、优美的水乡画卷;还有都市酒店没有的小桥流水、亭台楼榭点缀其间;江南古镇独特的水塘景观和充满现代休闲精神的豪华游艇相互依存,让你仿佛置身于世外桃源中。  地址:青浦区朱家角浦祥路79号  电话:021-3923
精品酒店 兰博基尼血统的延伸  费鲁吉欧·兰博基尼创造了世界顶级的跑车——兰博基尼,炫酷高贵,追随者众多;而酒店名字中的“托尼洛·兰博基尼”是费鲁吉欧·兰博基尼的儿子,在1981年创建了以自己名字为品牌的奢侈品公司,开始经营游艇、汽车、手表、手机、自行车、服装等领域,主要定位为国际时尚品牌。父子二人的事业虽有所不同,但却以“兰博基尼”的影响力魅惑了“品牌控”的内心。时至今日,当托尼洛·兰博基尼酒店
倪轩裕现任洲际酒店集团大中华区市场营销副总裁,他的主要职责是为洲际酒店集团大中华区制订市场营销策略,发挥集团规模及系统优势、培养国内市场,并发展大中华地区的市场营销团队。  此前,倪轩裕曾任洲际酒店集团欧洲、中东及非洲地区市场销售沟通及策略副总裁。十余年间,他先后在洲际酒店集团的多个市场任职,积累了丰富的经验——倪轩裕曾在英国负责智选假日酒店的品牌管理,不仅成功扩大了预订与入住率,更提升了利润率;
稻城亚丁是最早被西方人发现的“香格里拉”世界,具备得天独厚的人文、自然旅游资源,汇集了世界上最令人震撼的雪峰、冰川、湖泊、草原、森林等壮丽景观,被誉为“中国香格里拉之魂”“地球上最后一片净土”。但苦于路途遥远,去那里旅游也十分不便,不过,遥远的距离将通过飞机拉近,稻城亚丁机场将于今年十月开始运营。游客只需1小时就能从成都飞到稻城亚丁,这也便于更多的摄影爱好者踏足于此。  选择稻城亚丁的理由  亚丁
作为雅高集团旗下的索菲特品牌中最顶级奢华的度假酒店,佘山索菲特不仅将酒店的文化和当地风情完美地结合了起来,并因为身处上海后花园的佘山景区之中,青山绿水环绕,优雅的法式建筑风格和周到的服务,无论是度假生活、还是在商务旅行中都能尽情体味、探索、沉醉于自然的美丽。  柔水环绕 不得不体验的泳池盛宴  从天空鸟瞰整个酒店,葱翠的园林点缀着碧蓝的湖水,一栋栋红顶别墅仿若身处托斯卡纳小镇。酒店一大特色是440
黄浦江水拍击江岸,发出百年不变的涛声,人们或通过影视剧,或通过史书,来追忆这座在战乱与繁华中崛起的老上海。虽然如今的上海滩不再是当年被殖民瓜分,洋人发财,各种国度、种族文化交织的年代,却迎来了远方的客人——洲际酒店集团旗下的上海瑞金洲际酒店和上海外滩英迪格酒店,他们用自己空间艺术去铭刻历史,并非像博物馆那样旧物重现,而是像美术馆那样用艺术手法还原老上海的生活场景。  淡井庙:从历史中走来的老城隍庙