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世界石墨消耗国主要是工业发达国家,如日本、美国、联邦德国、英国等,目前这几个国家每年约消耗石墨20万吨,占世界石墨总量的30%左右。特别是日本,这几年石墨消耗量猛增,1987年达9万多吨,成为世界上最大的石墨消费国。联邦德国和英国次之,1987年消耗景均为3万多吨,都已超过美国,而美国的石墨消耗量却逐年下降,1977年为51000多吨,1987年下降到29000吨。从美国的石墨消耗情况看,美国对晶质石墨的消耗量基本上保持稳定,在10000~15000吨左右,而对土状石墨的消耗量下降幅度比较大,从1977年的35000多吨减少到1987年的17000多吨,几乎减少了一半。但全世界石墨总消耗量却保持稳定,并略 The world graphite consumption countries are mainly industrial developed countries such as Japan, the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the United Kingdom. Currently, these countries consume about 200,000 tons of graphite each year, accounting for about 30% of the world’s total graphite. In particular, in Japan, the consumption of graphite has soared in recent years, reaching more than 90,000 tons in 1987, making it the world’s largest consumer of graphite. The Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom took the next place. In 1987, the consumption scene was more than 30,000 tons, both exceeding the United States. However, the consumption of graphite in the United States decreased year by year, from 1977 to more than 51,000 tons, and in 1987 it dropped to 29,000 tons. From the perspective of the consumption of graphite in the United States, the consumption of crystalline graphite in the United States has remained basically stable, ranging from 10,000 to 15,000 tons, while the consumption of earth-like graphite has fallen by a relatively large margin, from 35,000 tons in 1977. More than 17,000 tons in 1987 were almost cut in half. However, the total consumption of graphite in the world has remained stable, and