榉白背粉天牛(Olenecamplus Cret-aceus margmatus sehwarzer)属鞘翅目,天牛科。此虫主要危害麻栎、白檀枝梢,严重影响幼树生长,造成很大经济损失。对该虫的研究,国内尚未见报导。为了摸清其生物学特性,为防治提供依据,我们于1984—1987年进行了研究,现将结果报道如下: 一、危害情况该虫主要危害麻栎幼树枝条。据调查,幼林当年受害株平均5%左右,主要以幼龄幼虫危害嫩稍为主;中老龄幼虫钻蛀树干,破坏木质部,切断输导组织,严重影响树木的生长,降低木材的利用价值。此虫除危害
Olenecamplus Cret-aceus margmatus sehwarzer is Coleoptera, Cerambycidae. The main insect pests oak, white sandalwood shoots, severely affected the growth of saplings, causing great economic losses. The study of the insects, the country has not yet been reported. In order to find out its biological characteristics, to provide the basis for prevention and treatment, we conducted a study in 1984-1987, the results are reported as follows: First, the harmful situation The insects main harm Quercus seedlings branches. According to the survey, the average number of affected young plants in that year was about 5%. The young and old larvae were mainly endangered by young larvae. Middle-aged and old larvae were used to drill the trunk, destroy the xylem and cut off the tissues. This seriously affected the growth of trees and reduced the utilization value of timber. This insect except harm