
来源 :新生儿科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangxyz
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本文对1987年1月~2001年12月入我院新生儿病房并经多普勒彩色超声心动图或尸体解剖诊断的类型分布。其中非青紫型先心病89例,占74.8%,青紫型30例,占25.2%。新生儿先心病常见类型的构成比依次为室间隔缺损(简称室缺)37.8%,动脉导管未闭26.9%,肺动脉瓣狭窄8.4%,法洛四联症6.7%,继发孔型房间隔缺损(简称房缺)5.9%,大动脉转位5.0%。38例室缺中,缺损直径≤3mm26例,占68.4%,4~5mm10例,≥6mm2例;27例动脉导管未闭中,导管内径2~3mm21例,占77.8%,3.1~4mm6例;7例房缺中,缺损直径5~6mm5例,7~8mm2例。7例发生充血性心力衰竭(简称心衰),占5.9%,其中2例室缺于生后42d和49d死亡。伴随心外畸形6例,占5.0%,结论:综合医院新生儿先心病的类型分布与专科医院不完全相同。新生儿先心病以室缺最多。非青紫型以室缺、动脉导管未闭的小型缺损多见,中型和大型室缺易发生肺炎和心衰,甚至引起死亡。青紫型以肺动脉瓣狭窄、法洛四联症、大动脉转位多见。本组较少伴随心外畸形。 This article from January 1987 ~ December 2001 into our hospital newborn ward and by Doppler color echocardiography or autopsy diagnosis of type distribution. 89 cases of non-cyanosis congenital heart disease, accounting for 74.8%, 30 cases of cyanosis, accounting for 25.2%. The common types of neonatal congenital heart disease were as follows: 37.8% of ventricular septal defect, 26.9% of patent ductus arteriosus, 8.4% of pulmonary valve stenosis, 6.7% of tetralogy of Fallot, secondary atrial septal defect (Atrial septal defect) 5.9%, aortic transposition 5.0%. 38 cases of ventricular septal defect, the diameter of the defect ≤ 3mm26 cases, accounting for 68.4%, 4 ~ 5mm10 cases, ≥6mm2 cases; 27 cases of patent ductus arteriosus, the diameter of the catheter 2 ~ 3mm21 cases, accounting for 77.8%, 3.1 ~ 4mm6 cases; Cases of missing, the defect diameter 5 ~ 6mm5 cases, 7 ~ 8mm2 cases. Seven patients developed congestive heart failure (referred to as heart failure), accounting for 5.9%, of which 2 cases were missing after 42 days and 49 days after birth. With the exception of 6 cases of extracardiac malformations, accounting for 5.0%, Conclusion: The general hospital neonatal congenital heart disease distribution and specialty hospitals are not exactly the same. Neonatal congenital heart disease to the most room. Non-purple type to atrial septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus small defects more common, medium and large rooms prone to pneumonia and heart failure, and even cause death. Cyanosis to pulmonary valve stenosis, tetralogy of Fallot, aortic transposition more common. Less with this group of extra-cardiac malformations.
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五一假期,他第一次来到了天台山,也是在那天晚上,他第一次见到了萤火虫。  月笼轻纱,虫鸣螽跃,流水潺潺,萤火点点。  他激动难耐地冲入流萤中,跳啊,笑啊,终于跳累了,他索性躺在草地上,悠然间,一只萤火虫不偏不倚地落在了他的镜片上,他不由自主地屏住了呼吸,生怕惊动了这美丽的仙子,这是他第一次近距离领略萤火虫,或许是太近的缘故,一对长长的须子,遒劲有力,长长的爪子,小小的头,黑黑的眼睛,仿若黑洞一般。
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