Two Processes Comparison by Using Capability Indices C_(pm)

来源 :厦门大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lainfaye
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In recent years, there has been mounting interest i n measuring process performance in manufacturing industry. Based on analyzing the process capability indices, a production department can trace and improve a poor process to enhance quality levels and satisfy customers. The process capabilit y analysis can also serve as an important reference for making decisions for imp roving the global quality of all products. Since C p and C pk are failed to account for process centering, the index C pm is developed. The index C pm takes the process centering into consideration and is su itable for the processes with nominal-the-best type. There are other indices l ike C pu and C pl, and those indices are used for unilateral s pecification processes. Chou (1994) developed a procedure using estimators of C p, C pu and C pl for practitioners to determine whether two p rocesses are equal capability or not. For bilateral specifications processes, i ndex C p is failed to measure process yield and process centering. Thus, th e index C pm is used to develop a similar procedure for practitioners t o determine whether two processes are equal capability or not. The decisions mad e using the procedure to select the better supplier are, of course, more reliabl e. The process capabilit y analysis can also be based on analyzing the process capability indices, a production department can trace and improve a poor process to enhance quality levels and satisfied customers. The index C pm takes the process centering into consideration and Is su itable for the processes with nominal-the-best type. There are other indices l ike C pu and C pl, and those indices are used for unilateral s pecification processes. Chou (1994) developed a procedure using estimators of C p, C pu and C pl for practitioners to determine whether two p rocesses are equal capability or not. For bilateral specifications processes, i ndex C p is failed t o Decision process yield and process centering. Thus, th e index C pm is used to develop a similar procedure for practitioners to determine whether two processes are equal capability or not. The decisions mad e using the procedure to select the better supplier are, of Course, more reliabl e.
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