患者,男性,26岁,一年来有轻度咳嗽及气管内搔痒感,间歇性呼吸困难伴剧咳,咳血痰5个月。1978年8月突然发生窒息,急诊入院。气管镜检查见距声门下8cm处有一拇指大小的肿瘤,堵塞管腔的3/5。手术见气管腔内有一2×2.5×2cm的肿瘤,逐作肿瘤单纯切除。病理诊断:囊性腺样癌。 讨论 原发性气管癌少见,男性多于女性。病理类型以低度恶性的类癌和囊性腺样癌较多见。原发性气管癌无典型的症状和体征,大多数患者因气
The patient, male, was 26 years old and had a mild cough and itchy sensation in the trachea for a year, intermittent dyspnea with cough, and hemoptysis for 5 months. Sudden occurrence of asphyxia in August 1978, emergency admission. The bronchoscopic examination revealed a thumb-sized tumor 8 cm below the glottic opening, which blocked 3/5 of the lumen. The operation showed a 2 x 2.5 x 2 cm tumor in the tracheal cavity, and the tumor was removed only once. Pathological diagnosis: cystic adenoid carcinoma. Discussion Primary tracheal cancer is rare and more often than men. Pathological types are more common in low-grade carcinoid and cystic adenoid carcinomas. There are no typical symptoms and signs of primary tracheal cancer, most patients suffer from qi