
来源 :新课程研究(职业教育) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:safafaffaf
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中国高等职业教育发展迅猛,取得了令世界瞩目的辉煌成就。但由于高职教育发展历史太短、发展速度过快,在发展过程中暴露出许多不容忽视的问题,严重制约了高职教育可持续发展。这些问题既有社会和政府的宏观调控层面的,也有教育行政部门和相关部门的中观指导层面的,还有学院自身内涵发展的理念、功力、基础方面的等。根据教育部《关于全面提高高等职业教育教学质量的若干意见》精神,提出了加强政策引导,为高等职业教育创造宽松的办学环境,政府全面统筹、指导全国高等职业教育健康稳步发展,坚持科学定位、展开高等职业教育自身作为,突出教学中心、抓好“四个建设”的对策与思考。 The rapid development of higher vocational education in China has achieved brilliant achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. However, the history of higher vocational education is too short and its development speed is too fast. During the course of its development, many problems that can not be ignored are exposed, which seriously hampered the sustainable development of higher vocational education. These issues include not only the macro-control level of the society and government, but also the middle-level guidance level of the educational administrative departments and relevant departments as well as the concept, skill and basic aspects of the college’s own connotation development. According to the “Several Opinions on Improving Teaching Quality of Higher Vocational Education” issued by the Ministry of Education, the paper proposes to strengthen policy guidance and create a relaxed running environment for higher vocational education. The government comprehensively plans to guide the healthy and steady development of higher vocational education throughout the country and insists on scientific orientation , To start higher vocational education itself, highlighting the teaching center, do a good job, “the four building ” measures and thinking.
·专地综述·市场经济条件下森林资源生态环境价值补偿问题………………………谭 俊(1—])川西亚高山森林旅游开发的优势及设想…………………………………侯广维(l—6)建立
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