
来源 :山东工业大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoxianfeng
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面对21 世纪先进制造技术的挑战,分析高校机械制造专业的现状,可以看到,其专业的培养大纲和教学计划等已不能满足先进制造技术的发展需要,改革势在必行。因此,要对其教育目标、计划、大纲、课程设置、教材建设等内容进行调整和改革;要改革教学方法;要加强实验室建设;要建立现代制造技术专业。只有大刀阔斧的实行改革,才能为我们国家的机械制造专业培养出赶超世界先进水平的开创性人才。 Faced with the challenge of advanced manufacturing technology in the 21st century, analyzing the current situation of mechanical manufacturing specialty in colleges and universities, we can see that its professional training programs and teaching programs can not meet the development needs of advanced manufacturing technology and reform is imperative. Therefore, it is necessary to readjust and reform its education objectives, plans, programs, curricula and textbooks, to reform teaching methods, to strengthen laboratory construction, and to establish a modern manufacturing technology specialty. Only a drastic implementation of reforms can we train the pioneering talents who catch up with and surpass the world’s advanced level for our country’s machinery manufacturing profession.
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices play a significant role in signal processing, frequency control and sensing applications. In general, they cannot operate a
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本文对聚醚酯作为混合工质的冷冻机油进行了台架试验,结果表明聚醚油的性能优良, 并对聚醚酯的生物降解性和添加剂对其生物降解性的影响作了评估, 在实验条件下, 聚醚油的生物降
2007年7月23日,法国中国学界一颗巨星陨落——法国近现代中国研究学科创始人、著名中国学家谢诺先生(Jean CHESNEAUX)因患胰腺癌医治无效,在巴黎家中溘然长逝,享年85岁。 On