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《英语学习》98年第4期第58页文章中有这样几句话:“Mom,you must have been terribly bored of stay-ing at home when I was a child,” I said.“Bored? Housework is boring.But you were never boring.”以上对话十分清楚地说明了 boring(令人厌倦)和 bored(感到厌倦)的含义与用法。曾在中国大学执教多年的新西兰教师John Black 先生曾不止一次的说起中国学生错用 boring 和 bored给人带来的不愉快。许多对英语兴趣颇浓的学生总是争取机会与外教交谈或请教问题、练习口语,然而占用了外教的时间又感到不安,因而常问:“Are you boring?”Black 先生说他知道学 There are a few words in this article: “Mom, you must have been terribly bored of stay-ing at home when I was a child,” “I said.” “Bored ? The Housework is boring.But you were never boring. ”The above conversations clearly illustrate the meaning and usage of boring (bored) and bored (bored). John Black, a New Zealand teacher who had been teaching at a Chinese university for many years, spoke more than once about the displeasure of Chinese students using boring and bored. Many students with a strong interest in English always seek opportunities to talk with foreign teachers or to ask questions and practice speaking. However, they feel uneasy with the time spent on foreign teachers. Therefore, Frequently Asked: “Are you boring?” Mr. Black said he knew how to learn
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