蔬菜生产的现状 浙江省慈溪市每年种植蔬菜13 300hm2以上,多为与棉田间套轮作的季节性蔬菜,近年有常年蔬菜基地200hm2。“四菜一蒜一椒”是慈溪主要大路菜。据调查:1989年种植茎用芥菜3 133hm2,雪里蕻1666hm2,根芥菜(Brassica juncea var.megavrh-iza)667hm2,大白菜1333hm2。大
The current situation of vegetable production Cixi City, Zhejiang Province, annual planting of more than 13 300hm2 vegetables, mostly with the cotton field sets of seasonal vegetables, in recent years there are perennial vegetable base 200hm2. “Four dishes, one garlic” is the main road Cixi. According to the survey: in 1989 planting stem mustard 3 133hm2, snow shrimps 1666hm2, mustard (Brassica juncea var.megavrh-iza) 667hm2, Chinese cabbage 1333hm2. Big