北方水稻旱育稀植栽培技术的研究 第3报 高产机理及不同土壤气候地区的应用

来源 :吉林农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:awind54335
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在北方不同土壤气候条件下的试验结果证明旱育稀植水稻以壮秆大穗和高度结实增产,具有稳定高产潜力。从个体发育和群体结构的形态机能入手,阐明了旱育稀植水稻高产机理:单株茎秆干重大,上部叶片长,基部节间粗壮,茎秆大维管束数量多是形成壮秆大穗的基础;叶片较厚,上位三叶叶片较长但保持直立,形成高光效的冠层结构,穗颈大维管束截面积大,是高度结实的基础。分析比较不同土壤气候条件下旱育稀植水稻初期和后期生育特点,提出了我国北方旱育稀植三种技术类型。 The test results under different soil and climatic conditions in the north show that the dry-cultivated and sparsely-grown rice has the potential of stable high-yielding with strong stalks, large spikes and high-yielding. From the perspective of individual development and the morphological function of population structure, the mechanism of high yield of dry-planting sparsely-planted rice was clarified: the dry weight of single stem was large, the upper leaves were long, the basal internodes were thick, and the large number of large vascular bundles was the big spike Of the base; thicker leaves, the upper clover leaves longer but upright to form a high-light effect of the canopy structure, panicle large vascular bundle cross-sectional area is a high degree of solid foundation. The characteristics of early and late growth and development of rice in nursery and sparse cultivation under different soil and climatic conditions were analyzed and compared. Three kinds of technical types of drought and sparse planting in northern China were put forward.
Compared to the traditional wavelength division multiplexing(WDM) optical networks with rigid and coarse granularities, flexible spectrum optical networks have
本文对新疆两种饲用野生牧草,顿河红豆草和假梯牧草进行了染色体核型分析。结果表明这两个种的染色体均属基数为 x=7的二倍体。均具有 m 和 sm 两种类型染色体。 In this pa