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长江和各大支流总通航里程达7万多公里,是我国腹地东西交通的大动脉;日夜奔腾不息的江水滋润着占我国耕地总面积1/4的土地,为流域内占我国总人口1/3的居民和众多的城市提供了丰富的水源;河流中下游与星罗棋布的湖泊相通,水生动植物种类繁多,流域内淡水鱼的产量一直占全国总量的60%以上;上游水力资源充足。在我国众多的河流中长江是一条名副其实的“黄金水道”。随着生产的发展,近年来“黄金水道”也出现过或潜伏着不少的环境灾害,这些 The Yangtze River and the major tributaries of the total mileage of more than 70,000 kilometers, the hinterland traffic artery of our country; day and night the steady stream of water nourishing the total area of ​​arable land in China 1/4 of the basin for the total population of 1 / 3 residents and many cities provide a rich source of water; middle and lower reaches of the river connected with the lakes dotted with aquatic animals and plants of a wide range of freshwater fish production in the basin has accounted for more than 60% of the national total; adequate upstream hydraulic resources. Among the numerous rivers in our country, the Yangtze River is truly a “Golden Waterway.” With the development of production, in recent years, there have also been or been lurking many environmental disasters in “Golden Waterway”. These
With development of miniaturization,high integration,multifunction and high efficiency of electronic packaging technology,a higher requirement for soldering mat
Contrary to expectations, a measurement of the random walk in the ring laser gyro (RLG) as a functionof laser power P shows that it is not consistent with the P
汽化器量孔定口径决定了火花点火内燃机的混合比.近来由于混合比与排气污染间的密切关系,而使量孔口径受到更大的注意. 在过去,汽化器通常把量孔口径定在供给浓混合比处.最