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湖南稷子植株高大,株型紧凑,分蘖多,生长快,植株高大,叶片小而多、挺立、在茎秆上分布均匀,为我国北方目前产草量较高的上繁刈割型牧草。干草中粗灰分、粗脂肪和碳水化合物含量较高,粗蛋白质含量中等,氨基酸含量较丰富,特别是8种必需氨基酸在氨基酸总量中所占比例大,在各生育期含量稳定。栽培管理简便,近年来宁夏累计种植3万余亩,邻近及类似地区也已开始引种。 Hunan Yizi plant tall, compact plant type, more tillers, fast growth, tall plants, leaves small and more, stand upright, distributed evenly on the stem, for the current production of grassland in northern China on the cutting mowing pasture. The content of crude ash, crude fat and carbohydrate in hay is high, the content of crude protein is medium, and the content of amino acid is rich. Especially, the essential amino acids in eight kinds of hay have a large proportion in the total amount of amino acids and are stable in each growth period. Cultivation and management is simple and convenient. In recent years, Ningxia has planted more than 30,000 mu of land totally and has started to introduce neighboring and similar areas.
In electrical impedance tomography ( EIT), distribution of the internal resistivity or conductivity of an unknown object is estimated using measured boundary vo
A clustering algorithm based selective neural networks ensemble (CLUSEN) is proposed to predict the degree of malignancy in brain glioma.Since the degree predic
本文通过对21个玉米杂交种 F_1的产量与其7个性状的相关性进行初步探讨。结果表明玉米杂交种 F_1的产量与其生育日数、抽丝至成熟的天数、抽丝至成熟的天数/生育日数、穗位、
营养不良在维持性血液透析(Mainternance hemodialysis,MHD)患者中十分常见.它是增加MHD患者死亡率的重要原因,也是影响患者预后及生存质量的主要因素.该研究对其中存在的一些
风湿性心脏病(简称风心病,Rheumatic heart disease, RHD)为临床常见病和多发病,重症患者常伴有不同程度的营养不良。营养状况对患者能否耐受麻醉和手术,以及术后康复均有不同程度
目的:观察血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)在骨巨细胞瘤(giant cell tumor of bone,GCT)中的免疫组织化学表达和肿瘤组织的微血管密度(microvessel den