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杜84块兴Ⅵ组油层以蒸汽吞吐开发为主,后期将转入直平组合SAGD开发。该油层埋深范围-710~-840m,以厚层块状为主,厚度一般在30~80m,油水关系复杂,为底水油藏,已进入中后期开发阶段。兴Ⅵ组共有直井382口,水平井54口。目前已转入SAGD生产的直井有143口,水平井有21口,累计注汽480.4×104t,累计产油76.1×104t,累计产水403.3×104t,油汽比为0.16,日产液为4118.9t/d,日产油为545.8t/d,含水达到86.7%。兴Ⅵ组油层油水关系复杂,个别直井和水平井长期高含水生产,影响整体开发动用效果。通过测井资料,从电性和物性上深入研究兴Ⅵ组底部油水界面,建立统一的油水识别标准,并借助钻井取心、生产动态资料进一步验证,确定全区油水界面。运用新技术对油水发育进行三维地质建模,为后期兴Ⅵ组整体开发及转入SAGD开发后提供可靠依据。 Du 84 block Xing Ⅵ group of the main development of steam hunt, the latter will be transferred to the straight combination SAGD development. The reservoir depth range of -710 ~ -840m, with thick block-based, the thickness is generally 30 ~ 80m, the relationship between oil and water complex, as the bottom water reservoir, has entered the stage of development. Hing Group Ⅵ total of 382 straight wells, 54 horizontal wells. At present, there are 143 vertical wells that have been transferred to SAGD and 21 horizontal wells. The accumulated steam injection volume is 480.4 × 104t, the accumulated oil production is 76.1 × 104t, the accumulated water production is 403.3 × 104t, the oil-steam ratio is 0.16 and the daily output is 4118.9t / d, daily oil production was 545.8t / d, water content reached 86.7%. Xing Ⅵ reservoir oil and water complex relationship between the individual straight wells and horizontal wells long-term high water production, affecting the overall development and utilization of results. Based on the logging data, the interface of oil and water at the bottom of Xing Ⅵ group was deeply studied from the electrical and physical properties, and a uniform identification standard of oil and water was established. With the aid of drilling coring and production dynamic data, the oil-water interface was confirmed. The use of new technologies for three-dimensional geological modeling of oil and water development provides a reliable basis for the subsequent development of the Hing Group VI and the development of SAGD.
本文首次报道拟建云南省沾益海峰自然保护区中的地下森林概况。该地下森林在特殊环境下形成 ,受天然屏障保护 ,保存着较完整的原生植被类型。因其稀少、集中、面积广、深度大