
来源 :工程热物理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xamchendehui
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The scientific meaning and practicality of integration of radiant image processing andnumerical simulation of combustion processes in pulverized-coal-fired furnaces are discussed.Through taking account of radiation emitted from wall surface and the uneven distributionof radiant characteristics of two-phase medium in furnaces, an equation relating 2 - Dmonochromatic radiant images and 3 - D combustion processes in furnaces is improved.Numerical simulation technique will be used to estimate the spacious distribution of theradiative characteristics of the two-phase medium in furnaces, and the measuring methodof 3 - D temperature distribution is improved. Taking the radiant images as a kind of“radiative boundary” for numerical simulation of combustion processes, it will be possible toassess different models of combustion reaction and different calculation methods of radiativeheat transfer. Using two sets of radiant image processing devices with filters of differentcentral wavelengths, different solid and gas temperature distributions could be obtainedsimultaneously. These considerations will be helpful for experimental study and numericalsimulation of combustion processes in pulverized-coal-fired furnaces- The scientific meaning and practicality of integration of radiant image processing and numerical simulation of combustion processes in pulverized-coal-fired furnaces are discussed. Through sampling account of radiation emitted from wall surface and the uneven distribution of radiant characteristics of two-phase medium in furnaces, an equation relating 2 - Dmonochromatic radiant images and 3 - D combustion processes in furnaces is improved. Numerical simulation technique will be used to estimate the spacious distribution of the radiative characteristics of the two-phase medium in furnaces, and the measuring method of 3 - D temperature distribution Taking the radiant images as a kind of “radiative boundary” for numerical simulation of combustion processes, it will be possible toassess different models of combustion reaction and different calculation methods of radiative heat transfer. Using two sets of radiant image processing devices with filters of differentcentral wavelengths, di fferent solid and gas temperature distributions could be obtained surely. These considerations will be helpful for experimental study and numerical simulation of combustion processes in pulverized-coal-fired furnaces-
全国甲流的病倒最近又明显增加,这不得不让人们特别是小学低年级班主任和孩子家长们又一次紧张起来。这个星期我校就有四个班学生因感冒而停课,对于儿童这类甲流易感人群而言,不少班主任和家长都非常关注如何预防。儿科专家认为防止甲流还是要预防为先。如何让孩子们在最短的时间掌握预防甲流的要领又能烂熟于心呢?  为此,我根据预防甲流的要领,借助孩子们耳熟能详的《两只老虎》的曲调,填写了一首《两只老虎·预防甲流版》
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标准化是为了所有有关方面的利益,特别是为了促进最佳的全面的经济效果并考虑产品使用和安全要求的一种工作。 今天的标准化已经是一项相当复杂的工作了,然而其目的并没有改
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