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   Of Travel(Excerpt)
  It was a frequent saying of Alexander, that he had discovered more by his eyes than other kings could comprehend in their thoughts. In this, he referred to travel. There is no map like the view of a country. Experience is the best informer; and one journey will show us more than any description can. Some would not have a man move out of his own country; and Claudian mentions it as a happiness, for one’s birth, life, and burial, to have been all in one parish. But surely, travel is of service to man. He has lived as if locked up in a larger chest, who has never seen any but his own land. One who is learned, honest, and who has travelled, is the best compound of man, and can correct the vices of one country with the virtues of another. Italy, England, France, and Spain, are as the court of the world; Germany, Denmark, and China, are as the city; and he who has not seen the best of these, is a little lame in knowledge.
  Yet I think it not fit, that every man should travel. It makes a wise man better; but a fool worse, for he attends to nothing but the public sights, the exotic manners, the aperies; and the vices of the country he visits. A travelling fool is the shame of all nations: he shames his own, by his conduct abroad: he shames others, by bringing home nothing but their follies. A man, to improve himself by travel, ought to observe and comment on what he sees, noting as well the bad, to avoid it, as the good, to make use of it—and without registering these things by the pen, they will pass away without profiting him. One can hardly conceive how much the committing of a thought to paper, fixes it in the mind. He who does this, can, when he pleases, go over his journey again in his closet.
  It were an excellent thing in a state, to have always a select number of youth, of the nobility and gentry, to send abroad at years of some maturity, for education. Their parents could not better dispose of them, than in thus dedicating them to the commonwealth; nor could they themselves be in a fairer way of preferment; and there is no question but they might prove highly serviceable to the state, on their return home, well versed in the world and foreign languages, and well read in men; which, for policy and negotiation, is much better than any booklearning, though never so deep and extensive.
  Being abroad, the best is to converse with the best, and not to choose by the eye, but by fame. For politics, instruction is to be had, at the court; for traffic, among merchants; for religious rites, among the clergy; for government, among the lawyers; and as for the country itself and rural knowledge, the boors and peasantry can best help you. Curiosities ought not to be neglected, especially antiquities; for these shew us the ingenuity of past ages, and include in them both example and precept. By comparing these with modern inventions, we may see how the world improves in knowledge.
  But above all, search out men of distingiushed and superior merit. There is no monument like a living worthy man. We shall be sure to find something in him, to kindle our faculties and enlarge our minds, and rouse us to a generous emulation of his virtues. Parts of extraordinary note cannot so lie hid, but they will shine forth through the tongue and behaviour, to the admiration and advantage of beholders; but, unless a man has judgment to direct him, he will, at his return, find all his labour lost. Some men, by travel, change in nothing: and some again, change too much. Indeed the moral outside, wheresoever we be, may seem best, when something fitted to the nation we are in: but wherever I should go or stay, I would ever keep to my God and friends, unchangeably. Howsoever he returns, he makes an ill voyage, who changes his faith with his tongue and garments. ?
  亚历山大大帝常说,他用眼睛所发现的比其他国王用思考所领悟的更为丰富。他在这里所指的是旅行。一个国家的景致是任何地图都无法捕捉的。只有亲身游历,才能获得最透彻的了解。读再多的描述也比不上行一段路的见闻。有些人反对离开故乡;古罗马诗人克劳地安提出,能够生老病死于同一个教区是一种幸福。但是旅行绝对对人有好处。如果一个人从来没有见过自己故乡之外的土地,他的人生就像是被锁进了一只大箱子。那些有学问、有诚信、有远游经历的人是人类中的精英,他们懂得用某一国家的美德来纠正另一个国家的缺陷。意大利、英格兰、法国和西班牙就像是世 界的庭院;德国、丹麦和中国就像是城市;那些没有领略过其中胜景的人,只能说见识有限。
  到了国外,交谈的最佳对象应该是最优秀的人。选人不要凭眼睛,要考察对方的声誉。学政治要到宫廷去接受训导;学做生意要在商人之间;学宗教要去找神职人员;学政府管理要去找律师;想了解这个国家,了解农村,村夫野汉是你最好的帮手。别忘了还有宝物珍玩,尤其是那 些古董;它们向我们展示了旧时代的创造力,它们自身既是范本,也是准则。通过古董和现代发明之间的比较,我们能够看到世界知识发展的进程。
山地马拉松赛事,近两年在逐渐增多,人们玩够了城市马拉松,也开始寻找新的突破点和更多的跑步乐趣,超马实在是一般人很难完成的任务,所以山地马拉松赛也随之逐步升温。如果你以前是一名城市马拉松爱好者,当你想要参加一场山地马拉松赛事,除了确认自己的体能足以应付并准备相应的装备外,还要做好以下几件事。1赛前打印路线图和海拔图  山地马拉松不能像城市马拉松一样,每公里设置一处里程指示牌。虽然赛事组织方会尽全力标
胡春煦:运动让我重新找到人生价值  ★健将级铁人三项运动员  ★入围2015年CCTV5体坛风云人物  ★铁人三项讲师和教练员、马拉松专业二级运动员  ★北京体育大学体能训练硕士  生活中的胡春煦和照片中的形象如出一辙,硬朗、强健的体魄,热爱铁人三项,是一枚自带聚光灯的型男。但他却坦言,自己曾是一个沉迷于游戏、懒散的宅男,混混沌沌没有生活目标,连身边的亲朋都觉得他已经无药可救。  但生活就是这样,
在贡嘎措,雪山与湖泊相映成画。  贡嘎,蜀中仙山之首,又叫木雅貢嘎(Minya Konka),位于四川省康定以南,是大雪山的主峰。周围海拔6000米以上的山峰有45座(包含卫峰),主峰更耸立于群峰之巅,海拔7556米,高出其东侧大渡河6000米,是四川省最高峰,被称为“蜀山之王”。  贡嘎山垂直海拔落差大,形成了丰富的景观,从各个方向看贡嘎,都有其独到的美感。牛背山  看点:云海、夕阳、佛光、雪山
20年前,在中朝边境、吉林以东的边塞之地,有一所高等学府延边大学,创立了中国第一个也是唯一一个朝鲜族大学登山队。  那是1999年9月9日,延边大学科学技术学院韩国籍教授金武范先生创建了登山队,学生许贤权(比利)担任第一期队长。从此一群热爱大自然,敢于冒险的、热血沸腾的学生聚集在一起;他们用生活费中省下来的钱在旧货市场买了30米的麻绳和几把工地上用的“主锁”——这是当时延边大学登山队仅有的装备。由
上一期我们缓了缓,喘了口气,给希腊文的构词成分放了个假,谈了个生活味十足的软性题材“包子”。现在肚子饱了,也休息够了,我们继续踏上“征途”吧!  没错,征途。希腊文的构词成分是个硬功夫,我们必须掌握方法加以“征”服。同时,希腊文的构词成分为数不少,要征服它,也是条相对漫长的路“途”。  这次是希腊文构词成分的第五讲。为了避免学了后面忘了前面,依惯例,我们在正式开始之前先重点复习一下,温故而知新。迄
深冬,南疆的天气干燥而寒冷。两辆皮卡、一辆陆地巡洋舰、一辆霸道组成的穿越车队在若羌集结完毕,整装待发。从若羌往西,便是一望无际,连鸟也飞不过去的“死亡之海”塔克拉玛干大沙漠。这片沙海东西长约1000公里,南北最宽500公里,面积超过37万平方公里,是中国最大的沙漠,流沙面积世界第一。進入无尽沙丘  自一个多世纪前的1895年起,人类就开始尝试穿越这片死亡之海。当时来自瑞典的著名探险家斯文·赫定率领
美国传记故事片《 特朗勃》(Trumbo,2015)的上映令观众(尤其是美国观众)再次回想起20世纪40年代到50年代美国社会的“红色恐慌”以及美国国会对好莱坞左翼艺术家的疯狂迫害,并反思美国社会的所谓自由民主(宗教、言论、出版、结社、示威等自由是美国宪法所赋予每一个美国公民的权利)的本质。影片基于布鲁斯·亚历山大·库克(Bruce Alexander Cook)的传记《达尔顿·特朗勃》(Dalt