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她,以一个现代企业家的卓识和胆略,把一个连续9年亏损、濒临倒闭的县级供销社治理成盈利企业,并使之成为长治市供销社系统的佼佼者。她就是被人们誉为“善于治理烂摊子的女强人”——潞城市供销社主任白银芝。 受命于困境 山西省潞城市供销社曾经有过辉煌的历史。80年代初,当改革之风刚刚吹向供销战线时,当时的潞城县供销社认识早起步快,走在了全省前列。随着改革的进一步深入,这个出“经验”的地方不但没有向前发展,反而后退了。1986年该社首次出现了全面性经营亏损,此后连年亏损,1992年亏损金额高达140多万元,22个直属企业有13个亏损,16个基层社有8个资不抵债。离退休人员不能按时足额领到退休金,在职职工领不了工资,好多职工被迫自谋出路。家穷难招凤凰来,领导换了一位又 She, with the courage and courage of a modern entrepreneur, managed to turn a nine-year-old county-level supply and marketing cooperative that was on the verge of collapse into a profit-making enterprise and made it a leader in the system of supply and marketing cooperatives in Changzhi City. She is known as “good governance mess” woman - Lucheng City, director of supply and marketing Bai Yinzhi. Under the dilemma Lucheng City, Shanxi Province, supply and marketing cooperatives have had a glorious history. In the early 1980s, when the wind of reform just blew into the supply and marketing front, the supply and marketing cooperatives in Lucheng County at that time knew early enough to walk fast and took the forefront in the province. With the deepening of the reform, this “experience” not only failed to move forward, but stepped back. In 1986, for the first time, the society had a comprehensive operating loss and subsequently suffered losses year after year. The total amount of losses in 1992 was as high as 1.4 million yuan. There were 13 losses in 22 direct-owned enterprises and 8 in 16 grassroots units. Retirees can not receive their pensions in full and on time, and the employed workers can not receive their salaries. Many workers are forced to seek their own way out. Phoenix hard home trick, the leadership for one again
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目的建立HPLC法同时测定心可舒丸中丹参素、原儿茶醛及葛根素的方法。方法采用HPLC法测定,色谱柱为Agilent Exlipce XDB-C18柱(150 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),乙腈-0.3%磷酸溶液(12︰88
本文研究了反相高效液相色谱测定车间空气中的萘。其条件为,以异丙醇作吸收液,C_(18)柱,甲醇:水(90:10)为流动相,紫外检测器于220nm 处测定。方法灵敏快速、简单,并具良好的