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读陈尚君先生的《唐代闽籍诗人考》一文,引发了笔者的思考,唐五代有哪些皖籍文人?有多少诗文传世?这些看似简单的问题,一时间却难以回答上来。明清时期,“文章甲天下,冠盖满京华”的皖籍文人,有唐一代似乎连一个杰出的代表也难以找到。他们的作品大量散佚,或有作品传世,而生平事迹也多隐晦不明。笔者不揆浅薄,将唐五代有诗文传世的皖籍作家略作统计,以便于进一步展开研究。关于收录作家和统计作品的几点说明:1.皖籍,是指现在的行政区划而言,与唐代的州县设置有很大的区别,我们参照《新唐书·地理志》和《中国历代地图册》(第四册),以开元末年所立州县为目分州列举。因古今各县名称及行政区划都有较大差别,难以做到一一对应,仅在州名下注明现在的大致方位。 Reading Mr. Chen Shangjun’s “Tang Dynasty poet test,” aroused the author’s thinking, Tang and Five Dynasties what Wanchu literati? How many poems handed down? These seemingly simple questions, but difficult to answer for a time up. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Anhui writers, who wrote “The Story of the World, Covered with Jinghua”, seemed to have even an outstanding representative of the Tang generation hard to find. A large number of their works are lost or lost, or works are handed down, while life stories are often vague and unclear. I do not mean superficial, the Tang and the Five Dynasties poetry handed down writers slightly statistics, in order to further study. About the collection of writers and statistical works of several points: 1. Anhui, refers to the current administrative divisions, with the state and county settings in the Tang Dynasty is very different, we refer to the “New Tang Dynasty Geography” and “ Chinese Atlas of the past dynasties ”(Volume IV), to the state of Kaiyuan in the last years of Kaiyuan counties state enumeration. Because of ancient and modern county names and administrative divisions are quite different, it is difficult to achieve one-to-one correspondence, only under the state name indicate the general location now.