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国际经济关系:问题与发展趋势=[著、俄]1990.-173p. 本书研究了相互依存条件下国际经济的发展趋势,讨论了两个对立的世界体系的经济一体化问题及体系之间合作的可能性。全书分三部分。分别叙述了现代资本主义经济的主要特点,垄断资本主义条件下的资本周转、货币关系,发展中国家的经济变革;社 International Economic Relations: Issues and Trends of Development [by Russia] 1990. 173p. This book examines the development of the international economy under conditions of interdependence and discusses the economic integration of two opposing world systems and their systems The possibility of cooperation. The book is divided into three parts. Respectively described the main features of the modern capitalist economy, monopoly capitalism under the conditions of capital turnover, monetary relations, economic change in developing countries;
对于想要提高比赛成绩的选手来说,正手的杀伤力起到决定性作用。本文将让你学会如何为自己创造更多的空间,来打败对手。 For those who want to improve the performance of
你是否拥有特别明显的弱点?其实每一位网球选手都有弱点。在这里,我要把最常看到的问题与解决方案告诉你们,帮助大家提高到下一个水平高度。 Do you have a particularly ob
西方和美国的经济衰退问题取决于海湾危机和国际宏观经济调节的前景。如果海湾危机和平解决,在国际宏观经济调节方面德日比较配合,那么美国经济衰退将比较温和。 The econom
The Dissolving loss of Nd in the systems NdCl_3-MCl_n(M=Li,Na,K,Ca,Sr,Ba;n=1 or 2)and the NdCl_3-rich NdCl_3-LiF motlen salts,and in the system of NdCl_3-(90 w
Hg_(1-x)Cd_xTe(CMT)epilayers with corresponding wavelength of 10.6μm(x=0.2)were reproduciblygrown on GaAs substrates in a movable hot wall MOCVD reactor.Rathe
The room temperature stability and crystallization of amorphous Nd_xFe_(1-x)thin filmswith x=0.06—0.90,prepared by flash evaporation at 77 K,were investigated