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笔者所生活的城市几乎隔几天都会有建筑工程奠基或竣工。不久前,历时几年的新火车站正式启用了,成为这里的一件大事,那宽敞的候车室,现代化的设备,让人感到一个城市的活力。但同时,也有些人感到惋惜,觉的旧客站如能部分保留就好了,在他们心里,旧车站彻底毁弃,不只是失去了一座有价值的历史建筑,也同时失去了一份情感的纪念物。对这个问题,笔者似有同感。如何建新车站,已是经过决策并付诸实施了的,似没有重新讨论的必要,但它引发的问题,却可以继续思考下去。旧客站历时近百年,风尘仆仆,已是超负荷运转,不能适应现代城市发展的要求,重建是必需的,但在重建时,是否可充分考虑到旧车站的独特性,如 The city where the author lives is almost every few days there will be foundation or completion of construction projects. Not long ago, the new railway station that had been in operation for several years was officially opened and became a major event here. The spacious waiting room and modern facilities make people feel the vitality of a city. But at the same time, some people feel sorry that some of the old passenger stations can be reserved. In their minds, the old station was completely destroyed. Not only did it lose a valuable historic building, it also lost an emotional memory. Things. The author seems to agree with this issue. How to build a new station has already been decided and put into practice. It seems that there is no need for re-discussion, but the problems it raises can continue to be considered. The old passenger station lasted for nearly a hundred years. It was overloaded and could not adapt to the requirements of modern city development. Redevelopment was necessary, but when it was rebuilt, it could fully take into account the uniqueness of the old station, such as
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苏霍姆林斯基指出:“教育的艺术首先包括谈话的艺术。”他还指出:“对语言美的敏感性,是促使孩子精神世界高尚的一股巨大力量。这种敏感性,是人的文明的一个源泉所在。”作为与学生朝夕相处的班主任,如何用醇美、真挚的语言去触动学生心弦,启迪学生心灵,陶冶学生情操,给学生以美的享受,使他们形成纯洁、文明、健康积极向上的心灵世界?下面结合本人的实践,谈一些个人的体会。     一、语气之美    真情流露,富有
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