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政风是政府本质和宗旨的体现,政风建设的核心问题是保持党和政府与人民群众的血肉联系,其出发点和落脚点是立党为公、执政为民,全心全意为人民服务。7月12日至13日在上海召开的全国海事系统政风建设现场会上,交通部海事局首次明确提出在全国海事系统加强政风建设的任务和要求,这是在对海事工作本质属性再认识的基础上,从切实贯彻落实党中央、国务院政府转变职能、依法行政和部党组“三个服务”要求以及促进海事又好又快发展的高度,从着力解决广大人民群众和行政相对人对海事工作反映比较突出的问题的角度,对海事系统自身发展提出的更为严格的要求和切实的举措。 The political wind is the embodiment of the essence and purpose of the government. The core issue of the political power building is to maintain the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the government and the masses of the people. Its starting point and goal are to serve the interests of the public and govern for the people, and serve the people wholeheartedly. At the on-site conference of the government maritime wind power construction of the national maritime system held in Shanghai on July 12 and 13, the Maritime Safety Administration of the Ministry of Communications explicitly proposed the tasks and requirements for strengthening the construction of the government power in the national maritime system for the first time. This is the first time that the essential attributes of maritime work On the basis of understanding and understanding, we must earnestly implement the implementation of the requirements of the Central Government and the State Council by changing their functions, administering the country according to law and the requirements of the “three services” and promoting the sound and rapid development of the maritime industry. People are more serious about the maritime affairs and reflect the more prominent issues of maritime system’s own development made more stringent requirements and practical measures.
一、原油的性质及其火灾危险性rn1、原油的性质 rn原油是一种深褐色的液体,为多种液态烃的混合物.主要成份是碳、氢、氮、硫、氧,还有微量的磷、铁、镁等元素.我国原油的相对
目的建立同时测定人红细胞内硫嘌呤药物活性毒性代谢产物6-硫鸟嘌呤核苷酸(6-TGNs)和6-甲基巯基嘌呤(6-MMP)浓度的高效液相色谱法(HPLC)。方法色谱柱:Waters Xterra MS C18,流动相:甲醇-20 mmol·L~(-1)磷酸二氢钾溶液-三乙胺(磷酸调节pH=3.2)=5∶95∶0.1,流速:1.0 m L·min~(-1),柱温:25℃,6-TGNs和6-MMP检测波长
目的评价细胞色素P450 2C19(CYP2C19)慢代谢型患者(PMs)、杂合子快代谢型患者(HEMs)、纯合子快代谢型患者(EMs)的伏立康唑稳态血药谷浓度。方法系统检索建库至2015年3月Pub M