,Quantum Phase Transition of the Bosonic Atoms near the Feshbach Resonance in an Optical Lattice

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyf8319
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The quantum phase transition from the Mott insulator to the superfluid phases of the bosonic atoms trapped in an optical lattice,in which the on-site interaction can be tuned by a Feshbach resonance,is investigated by a variational approach within mean-field theory.We derive an extended Bose-Hubbard model to describe this ultracold atomic system.By theoretical calculation and analysis,the phase diagram is shown clearly,and we find an exciting and novel phenomenon that is the appearance of the Mott insulator-sea(MI-sea).Meanwhile,the experimental feasibility of observing the MI-sea is discussed by analyzing the published data related to the Fashbach resonance at present.Finally,the potential application of the MI-sea for quantum information processing and quantum computation is also discussed in detail.
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