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植物枝、叶的异速生长关系受个体发育的限制,同时还受到环境因素的影响。该研究应用异速生长分析方法探讨毛竹(Phyllostachys heterocycla‘Pubescens’)枝、叶关系及其生物量分配策略对不同营林模式(钩梢和施肥)的响应。结果表明:与不钩梢相比,钩梢(相当于60%的修枝水平)后毛竹枝叶生物量均有显著的下降(枝40.23%、叶41.01%);施肥显著增加了钩梢和不钩梢毛竹枝、叶生物量(不钩梢枝20.67%、叶46.53%;钩梢枝19.71%、叶13.95%)。施肥显著改变了毛竹枝、叶异速生长的标准主轴(standardized major axis,SMA)斜率(施肥0.75 vs不施肥0.82;p<0.05),表现为与不施肥相比,叶片的光合产物在施肥处理上相对更多地转移到枝上。钩梢后,毛竹枝、叶异速生长的SMA斜率显著增加(钩梢1.09–1.10 vs不钩梢0.74–0.83;p<0.000 1),表现出钩梢引起更多的资源向叶片分配,且在不施肥处理下,这种效应更为强烈。光照因素导致了毛竹冠层枝、叶异速生长关系的差异,并与施肥之间存在显著的交互效应。钩梢作为直接影响因素对毛竹枝、叶异速生长关系具有强烈的影响(p<0.001),导致枝、叶异速生长关系斜率变异接近50%,而施肥或光照条件<10%,表明枝、叶关系对不同环境或干扰因素的响应存在差异,且间接因素(如施肥)的影响更多受到自身生长发育的限制。 The allometric relationships of plant branches and leaves are limited by individual development and are also affected by environmental factors. In this study, allometric methods were used to investigate the responses of Phyllostachys heterocycla ’Pubescens’ branches and leaves and their biomass allocation strategies to different silvicultural patterns (shoot tips and fertilization). The results showed that the biomass of shoots and leaves decreased significantly (40.23% in shoots and 41.01% in leaves) after the shoots (equivalent to 60% Shoot the bamboo branches, leaf biomass (no hook shoot branches 20.67%, leaves 46.53%; hook shoot branches 19.71%, leaves 13.95%). Fertilization significantly changed the slope of the standardized major axis (SMA) of allograft and leaf (fertilization 0.75 vs no fertilization 0.82; p <0.05), which showed that compared with no fertilization, Transfer relatively more to the branches. After the shoots were pinned, SMA slopes increased significantly at allochromated growth (1.09-1.10 for hooks and 0.74-0.83 for non-hooks; p <0.0001), showing that the shoot tips caused more resources to be distributed to the leaves and Without fertilization, this effect is more intense. The light factors led to the difference of allometric growth of canopy and leaf, and there was a significant interaction between them and fertilization. As a direct influencing factor, the shoot tip had a strong effect on the allometric growth (p <0.001), resulting in a nearly 50% slope variation in the allometric growth rate of shoots and leaves, while the fertilization or light conditions were less than 10% , Leaf response to different environmental or interference factors are different, and indirect factors (such as fertilization) more affected by their own growth and development constraints.
<正> 前言氧化物4G°—T图简称自由焓图、自由能图、氧势图等。国外文献通称艾林汗姆(Ellingham)图或查逊(Richardson)图。现在冶金物理化学文献中通用的氧化物△G—°T图,是将几