
来源 :长江流域资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenge228394
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于2011~2012年度及2012~2013年度开展小麦开花后渍水试验,研究开花后渍水对小麦产量的影响及渍水前喷施6-苄氨基腺嘌呤(6-BA)对产量的效应。结果表明,2011~2012年度及2012~2013年度江汉平原小麦开花期至成熟期均有持续降水分布,其中2011年4~5月累计降雨量达194.1mm,2012年同期累计降雨量达285.5mm,表明江汉平原小麦生殖生长期有较大渍害风险。本试验研究表明,开花后渍水,小麦植株衰老进程加速,叶片严重早衰失绿,旗叶光合速率降低;渍水前喷施6-BA,可缓减叶片衰老趋势,缩小旗叶光合速率降低幅度。开花后渍水亦导致根系活力降低,渍水前喷施6-BA可缓减根系活力降低,其中至灌浆中期,渍水处理根系活力仅为对照的56.3%,6-BA+渍水处理根系活力较渍水处理提高6.6%,差异达显著水平。渍水处理生物产量及籽粒产量均显著低于对照,渍水前喷施6-BA,生物产量、籽粒产量较渍水处理比较均有所提高,其中生物产量较渍水处理提高7.7%,籽粒产量提高13.7%。总之,在本试验条件下,开花后渍水导致光合速率、根系活力、生物产量、籽粒产量等显著降低,渍水前喷施6-BA可在一定程度上缓减渍害效应,在渍害发生后促进籽粒产量形成,据2011~2012年度及2012~2013年度产量结果估算,渍水前喷施6-BA相当于每666.7m2可减少42.7kg产量损失,即约1/3以上的田块未发生渍害。 The blooming waterlogging test of wheat after blooming was carried out in 2011 ~ 2012 and 2012 ~ 2013 to study the effect of blooming waterlogging on the yield of wheat and the effect of 6-benzyladenyladenine (6-BA) on the yield of wheat before waterlogging. The results showed that there was a continuous precipitation distribution in the flowering and maturity stages of wheat in Jianghan Plain from 2011 to 2012 and from 2012 to 2013. The accumulated rainfall from April to May 2011 reached 194.1mm and the cumulative rainfall in the same period in 2012 reached 285.5mm, The results showed that there was a greater risk of soil erosion in the reproductive phase of wheat in the Jianghan Plain. The results showed that after flowering, waterlogging and accelerated senescence of wheat plants led to severe premature aging and chlorosis and decreased photosynthetic rate of flag leaf. 6-BA spraying before waterlogging could reduce leaf senescence and decrease the photosynthetic rate of flag leaf Magnitude. After flowering, waterlogging also led to a decrease in root activity, and 6-BA spraying before waterlogging could reduce the root activity. In the mid-filling stage, the root activity of waterlogging treatment was only 56.3% of the control, 6-BA + waterlogging treatment root activity Compared with water treatment increased by 6.6%, the difference reached significant level. Bio-yield and grain yield of waterlogging treatment were significantly lower than that of CK. The 6-BA sprayed before waterlogging had higher biomass and grain yield than that of water treatment. Biomass yield was increased by 7.7% Production increased by 13.7%. In conclusion, under the experimental conditions, the blooming waterlogging resulted in significant decrease of photosynthetic rate, root vigor, biological yield and grain yield. The spraying of 6-BA before waterlogging could reduce the waterlogging effect to a certain extent, After the occurrence of grain yield to promote the formation, according to 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 annual output estimates, before spraying water 6-BA equivalent to 66.7m2 per 66.7kg can reduce the production loss of 42.7kg, or about 1/3 of the plots No stains occurred.
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