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林涛的花鸟画色彩灿烂,一片热烈气氛,他承继传统工笔画在写生基础上的写意精神,融合了西画的某些观念和技巧,着眼于现代人的审美需求,努力探讨工笔重彩画的现代形态。不同于一些人把绘画的现代形态与传统割裂开来的做法,他在元明清花鸟画的研习临摹和意会上,下过实实在在的苦功夫。临摹是掌握经典作品中的语言技巧,意会是领略其艺术风采与审美理想。我觉得,林涛以其敏锐的感觉和领悟能力,体会到构成传统花鸟画风范的两个基本要素;写生的技法与写意的精神。林涛十分重视对自然物象细致的观察,在大景写生基础上积累素材,各种花草鸟禽形态烂熟于心,画来自由舒畅,毫无阻碍。至于写意精神,他有深刻认识。懂得写意花鸟与工笔重彩都从属传统中国画的写意体系,只是技法有异。而人们常常把写意花鸟与工笔重彩分隔开来看待,似乎工笔重彩只重写生和仅采用写实手法真实描写客观对象,而不尚写意抒情,致使工笔重彩花鸟画的格调日趋低俗。 Lin Tao’s bird-and-flower paintings are colorful and warm atmosphere. He inherits the freehand brushworking spirit based on the traditional painting. It integrates certain concepts and techniques of western painting, looks at the aesthetic needs of the modern people and tries hard to explore the modern forms of the painting . Different from the practice of some people who separated the modern form of painting from the tradition, he had undergone real hard work in copying and understanding the study of flower and bird paintings of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Copy is to master the language skills in the classic works, would like to appreciate its artistic style and aesthetic ideal. In my opinion, Lin Tao, with his keen sense and ability to comprehend, realized the two basic elements that make up the traditional style of bird and flower painting; the techniques of sketching and the spirit of freehand brushwork. Lin Tao attaches great importance to the careful observation of natural objects. On the basis of the great scenes, he accumulates material, and various kinds of flowers and birds become familiar to the heart and draw freely and without any hindrance. As for the freehand spirit, he has a profound understanding. Understand the freehand flowers and birds and meticulous care are subordinate to the traditional Chinese painting freehand system, but different techniques. People often regard the freehand flowers and birds apart from the meticulous colors. It seems as if they are superficial and superficial, and they only use realistic means to depict the objective objects. Without being lyrical in meaning, they are becoming more and more vulgar.
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艺术是心灵的创造物,是艺术家情感激荡和审美体验相结合的成果,而这一过程只有在时代、社会、人和自然的感召下才能真正的完成。版画家陈超对大西北古 Art is the creation
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