Climatic Instability Study of Lanzhou since Last Glacial Maximum

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yifeng9131120
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Organic carbon isotopes, CaCO 3 content, coupled with carbonate carbon and oxygen isotopes are presented for identifying the climatic instability of Lanzhou from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). A wavelet analysis of these indices was conducted in the Hongzuisi Section, Lanzhou area. The results indicate that some important variations dominated by global factors occurred in 11.5, 13.9, and 15.1 kaB.P. respectively. In addition, several abrupt oscillations on different time scales during the Holocene can be revealed, indicating the complexity of the climatic system. Although the mechanism of these events has not been interpreted successfully, wavelet analysis can offer a valuable mathematic tool for a detailed analysis and greater understanding of climatic instability, thus providing a useful basis for the research of abrupt events. Organic carbon isotopes, CaCO 3 content, coupled with carbonate carbon and oxygen isotopes are presented for identifying the climatic instability of Lanzhou from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). A wavelet analysis of these indices was conducted in the Hongzuisi Section, Lanzhou area. The results indicate that some important variations dominated by global factors occurred in 11.5, 13.9, and 15.1 kaB.P. respectively. additions several weighing scales on the Holocene can revealed the mechanism of these events has not been interpreted successfully, wavelet analysis can offer a valuable mathematic tool for a detailed analysis and greater understanding of climatic instability, thus providing a useful basis for the research of abrupt events.
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【摘要】随着素养教育的深入推行,中职教育发展面临着新的要求和挑战。生源之争越演越烈,毕业求职渠道越来越窄,办学竞争矛盾日益加重。招生难、就业少、办学苦一度成为阻碍中职教育长远健康发展的难题。中职教育等同于高中阶段的教育,它担负着培养全面发展人才的重任,是我国知识经济得以稳定发展的重要基础。本文从目前中职教育存在的问题探讨分析出发,探讨加快推动中职教育发展的有力举措。  【关键词】革新理念 调整专业