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中华寿桃是优良的极晚熟品种,果个大,平均单果重350克,口感脆甜,成熟期晚,在我县11月上旬成熟。为避免遭受霜冻为害,并适当延迟采收,1998~1999年利用大棚对中华寿桃进行秋延栽培试验。取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。一、大棚建造大棚为竹木结构,南北延长,利于通风、光照分布均 China Shou Tao is a very good late-maturing varieties, a large fruit, the average weight of 350 grams, the taste of crisp sweet, mature late, mature in early November in our county. In order to avoid being frost damaged, and the appropriate delay in harvesting, from 1998 to 1999, the greenhouse peach was used to conduct the autumn-fall cultivation experiment. Has made good social and economic benefits. First, the shed greenhouses for the construction of bamboo, north-south extension, conducive to ventilation, light distribution are