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近日,自治区党委宣传部追授西乌珠穆沁旗农牧业局原局长吉日嘎拉同志内蒙古“北疆楷模”荣誉称号。《内蒙古自治区党委宣传部关于追授吉日嘎拉同志“北疆楷模”荣誉称号的决定》中这样评价:“吉日嘎拉同志始终坚定理想信念,矢志拼搏奋斗,自觉践行党的根本宗旨,敢于担当、勇于创新、助人为乐、廉洁为公,在带领广大牧民群众致富奔小康的道路上作出了不平凡的业绩。”自治区党委宣传部号召全区各族干部群众要向吉日嘎拉同志学习。 Recently, the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region chaired the honorary title of the former director of the West Ujumqin Banner Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Bureau Jiri Gala in Inner Mongolia. “The Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Complaintting Comrade Jiri Gala:” The Decision of the Honor of “Model Northern Manchuria” commented in this way: “All the members of Jiri Gala have always been firm in their ideals and beliefs, are determined to work hard and consciously practicing the party’s fundamental principle Purpose, dare to play, to be creative, helpful, honest and public, in leading the masses of herdsmen get rich and well-off on the road made an extraordinary performance. ”Propaganda Department of Autonomous Region Party committee called on all ethnic groups in the region to the auspicious day Gala comrade learning.
车轮轮毂是B_3钢钢板冲压件,外形及孔均已冲出。需要加工的是将八个轮胎螺栓底孔由φ31.5~(+0.1)扩至φ32~(+0.1),并在孔的两端锪成R22的球面(见图1)。 这几道工序原来在两
铸造砂箱有整铸、分铸、焊接三种。这里介绍一种分铸箱周、整铸横挡砂箱的方法,它的操作方法如下: 1.先浇出箱周的长、宽边各两片,同时铸出拧合螺检孔(图α)和连结箱档孔(图
我们车间生产的深孔零件,其内孔光洁度达(?)10。为避免测量内径时靠表触头划伤零件光洁表面,以往是先检验、后精磨,精磨后就不再测量。既浪费工时,又保证不了质量。 Deep h
石油钻井终孔钻进时曾用过大量直径 118和 140毫米的№5、№6三牙轮钻头。用此类钻头在深孔钻进上白垩纪坚硬灰岩结果证明,其钻进指标比标准直径钻头并不降低(表 Oil drilli
长春第一汽车厂锻造分厂使用的切边模具,批量大,品种多,工艺流程长。尤其是手工堆焊和风砂轮手工修形等工序,效率低,劳动强度大。 75年8月份,他们发扬敢想敢干的革命精神,利
以 so…that 引导的结果状语从句可转换成含 too…to.enough to 的简单句;too…to 与 e-nough to 之间又可互相转换。一、so…that 结构与 too…to(do)结构转换:A.主句主语
LA NAVIGATION DOPPLERCeprocededenavigationestfondesurl’utilisationdel’effetDoppler,suivantlequellafrequenced’uneonderadioelec... LA NAVIGATION DOPPLERCeprocededenavigationestfondesurl’utilisationdel’effetDoppler, suivantlequellafrequenced’uneonderadioele
几年来,地质勘探队在哈萨克斯坦()钻进时,常常发生钻孔顶角和方位角的偏斜。为了预防偏斜,到目前为止,采取过加长岩心管和使用钻铤(用接头坯料制成的) Over the years, geol