目的了解洁净手术室保洁员医院感染相关知识、职业暴露危害认知率、职业防护合格率,以便针对性的采取干预措施,减少保洁员职业暴露的发生。方法 2012年12月-2013年2月采用自行设计的调查表,以问卷与访谈相结合的方法,对16名洁净手术室保洁员进行医院感染相关知识、职业暴露危害的认知、保洁人员职业防护的调查。结果 16名保洁员对保洁工具分区使用和终末处置、消毒剂正确配置和使用、医疗废物收集及保存要求的认知率较高,分别为93.75%、87.50%、81.25%;手术室保洁员对锐器刺伤可导致血源性传染病、医疗废物具有危险性的认知率较高,分别为56.25%、43.75%,对锐器刺伤后伤口正确处理方法的认知率为0;对职业防护的重要性认识不足,职业防护合格率低。结论手术室管理者有必要对保洁员采取培训、教育、监督、指导等干预对策,提高保洁员医院感染知识及职业防护认知水平。
Objective To understand the knowledge about hospital infection, occupational exposure hazard and occupational protection in operating room cleaners in order to take targeted interventions to reduce occupational exposures. Methods From December 2012 to February 2013, self-designed questionnaires were used to investigate the knowledge of nosocomial infection and occupational exposure in 16 clean operating room cleaners through a combination of questionnaires and interviews. Protection of the investigation. Results The 16 cleaning staffs used 93%, 87.50% and 81.25% respectively of the cleaning tools’ zoning and final disposal, the correct disposition and use of disinfectants, and the requirements of collection and preservation of medical waste. Operating room cleaners Stab injuries on sharp objects can lead to blood-borne infectious diseases, and the awareness rate of medical waste is high, accounting for 56.25% and 43.75% respectively. The recognition rate of wounds after sharps stab wounds is 0; The lack of awareness of the importance of occupational protection, occupational protection pass rate is low. Conclusion It is necessary for operating room managers to take intervention measures such as training, education, supervision and guidance to cleaner personnel so as to improve knowledge of hospital infection and occupational protection.