Effects of background spectral noise in the phase-modulated single-frequency seed laser on high-powe

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chueri1
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In this work, we analyze the effects of the background spectral noise in phase-modulated single-frequency seed lasers on the spectral purity of high-power narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers. Through demonstrating the spectral evolution of the phase-modulated single-frequency part and the background spectral noise in a narrow-linewidth fiber amplifier, the mechanism for the spectral wing broadening effect is clarified and design strategies to maintain high spectral purity are given. Specifically, the background spectral noise in phase-modulated single-frequency seed lasers could lead to obvious spectral wing broadening and degeneration of spectral purity in narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers through the four-wave-mixing effect. Notably, the spectral wing broadening effect could be suppressed by filtering out the background spectral noise in the seed laser or applying a counter-pumped configuration in the fiber amplifier. We have also conducted contrast experiments, which have verified the validity of the theoretical model and the design strategies for high-spectral-purity operation.
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提出了一种基于石墨烯-金属混合的超表面,该超表面可以通过调节石墨烯的费米能级实现在四分之一波片和二分之一波片之间的自由切换。数值仿真结果表明:当石墨烯的费米能级为0 eV时,所提出的超表面可以在1.465~3.44 THz的频率范围内实现线性极化波到右旋圆极化波的转换,相对带宽为96.5%,绝对带宽为1.975 THz。当石墨烯的费米能级等于1 eV时,超表面变为宽带交叉偏振转换器,即二分之一波片,可以在1.173~3.44 THz的频率范围内实现偏振转换率大于80%,相对带宽为98.7%,绝对带宽为2.