Post-Neogene Structural Evolution:An Important Geological Stage in the Formation of Gas Reservoirs i

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Tectonic movements since the Neogene have been the major developmental and evolutional stages of the latest global crustal deformation and orogenic movements. China is located in a triangular area bounded by the Indian landmass, the West Siberian landmass and the Pacific Plate, characterized by relatively active tectonic movements since the Neogene, and in this region, natural gas would have been very easy to dissipate, or difficult to preserve. Therefore, the characteristics of post-Neogene tectonic movements offer important geological factors in researching the formation and preservation of gas reservoirs in China. Summarizing the reservoiring history of gas fields in China, although there are some differences between various basins, they are all affected by the tectonic movements since the Neogene. These movements have certainly caused destruction to the reservoiring and distribution of natural gas in China, which has resulted in a certain dissipation of natural gas in some basins. As a whole, however, they have mainly promoted the reservoiring and accumulation of natural gas: (1) a series of China-type foreland basins have been formed between basins and ridges in west China, which provide favorable conditions for the formation of large and medium gas fields, as well as controlling the finalization of gas reservoirs in the basins; (2) rows and belts of anticlines have been formed in the Sichuan Basin in central China, which have been the major stages of the formation and finalization of gas reservoirs in that basin; the integral and quick rising and lifting, and a further west-dipping in the Ordos Basin have resulted in a further accumulation of natural gas in gas fields from Jingbian to Uxin; (3) in eastem China, the Bohai movement in the late Pliocene has provided favorable geological conditions for lately-formed gas reservoirs in the Bohai Sea area mainly composed of the Bozhong depression; and it also resulted in secondary hydrocarbon generation and formation of secondary gas reservoirs in other basins, as well as the formation of many carbon dioxide gas fields of inorganic origin; (4)in the offshore area, it promoted not only the formation of gas reservoirs of organic origin, but also the formation of inorganic origin non-hydrocarbon gas reservoirs, as well as the organic and inorganic natural gas of mixed origin, which resulted in the relatively complicated characteristics of gas reservoirs in the area. In short, tectonic movements activated since the Neogene resulted in a reservoiring model mainly characterized by late and superlate hydrocarbon generation and accumulation. These events provide an important geological stage that should not be neglected when studying the formation of gas reservoirs in China.
不少人可能都有过这样的经历,路过出售肉夹馍的街边小摊,相距数十米即被其香味所吸引,垂涎之余难免买上一个解馋。  馋是解了,可您想过其中的食品安全问题吗?且不论路边小摊上肉的来源是否可靠,看一看那粗糙简陋的包装,成本低廉的麻纸上,还被精明的老板印上了几句广告词。隐患,或许就在印广告词的油墨上。  一方面,油墨中含有炭黑。研究发现,炭黑含有几种有致癌性的多环芳烃类化合物。大家熟知的烧烤食物中的苯并芘,
子宫肌瘤是女性生殖系统中最常见的良性肿瘤,是由子宫平滑肌细胞增生形成的,故又称为子宫平滑肌瘤。约有20%~25%妇女一生中会发病。子宫肌瘤多见于30 ~50岁妇女,以40~50岁发生率最高。它引起的月经不调、腹部肿块、压迫症状、疼痛、白带增多、不孕等,对女性造成了很大损害。患有子宫肌瘤的妇女往往思想负担较重,其实它并不可怕,下面我们就来认识一下子宫肌瘤。     正确认识篇    ◎ 子宫肌瘤与雌
我国大部分居民早餐都习惯吃馒头、花卷等面食,这是一个很好的饮食习惯。馒头、花卷是最普通的发酵食品。每天坚持吃一两种发酵食品,好处实在是不少。    常见的发酵食品    我们现在常吃的发酵食品主要有谷物发酵制品、豆类发酵制品和乳类发酵制品。  谷物发酵制品包括甜面酱、米醋、米酒等,这些食品中富含苏氨酸等成分,可以防止记忆力减退。另外,醋的主要成分是多种氨基酸及矿物质,有降低血压、血糖及胆固醇的效果
诊室的门被轻轻推开了,上次的那位老先生又来了,带着满脸的愁容。一在我面前坐定就又开始抱怨起自己的身体来:“前胸憋闷得慌,后背像贴了一层皮似的上不来气,一吃饭汗就哗哗地往下流……”  这位老先生是一位古玩收藏家,这已经是他第二次到我这里来复诊了。在这之前,他为了自己的“怪病”几乎跑遍了综合性医院的各个科室,做了不知多少检查,光化验单就已经贴了厚厚的一本了,但是都无一例外地没有什么有意义的阳性发现。最
目前我国老龄化的速度居世界之首,老年人口的绝对数也是世界之最。人到老年,身体情况与年轻时大不一样,生活方式和饮食习惯也应作相应调整。其中,选择合适的饮品对老年人的身体健康极为重要。  镜头一: 70岁的王大爷身体一向很棒,不少上了年纪的老年人都挺羡慕他,因为骨质疏松之类的毛病好像根本与他无缘,老友们问起他平时饮食习惯,他脱口而出介绍说:“要想身体壮,喝奶很重要!”可近期王大爷在网上看到了一些所谓“
12岁以下的孩子在家里发生意外是司空见惯的事,但有关调查表明,60%的父母几乎没有任何急救常识。下面为父母们准备了一些对付孩子突发状况的基本知识,希望能给予大家一些帮助。    烫伤或烧伤    迅速将孩子烫伤或烧伤的部位放到凉水中,至少冷却10分钟,这可以减轻伤处的肿胀程度。然后将伤口附近的衣服脱掉或剪开。如果衣服和伤口粘在了一起,不要动它,等待医生处理。如果伤口面积比孩子的手掌还大,就要用干净
有些白领女性每到下午就发现自己双脚紧绷肿胀,用手指按下去还有凹痕。如果出现这种情况,你就可能是容易水肿的体质。  那么,如何分辨水肿状况是否严重?  如果双脚都有水肿现象,但时间短暂,睡一觉就会消失,到中午过后又开始水肿,这多半是生理性水肿,与病变无关。大多是因为饮食失调(吃得太咸)、久坐或久站引起循环不良或生理周期、怀孕或服用避孕药、注射排卵药导致。此外,过度疲劳、工作日夜颠倒,也会让身体水分运
古籍新说    原 文  熟物之法,最重火候。有须武火者,煎炒是也,火弱则物疲矣。有须文火者,煨煮是也,火猛则物枯矣。有先用武火而后用文火者,收汤之物是也,性急则皮焦而里不熟矣。有愈煮愈嫩者,腰子、鸡蛋之类是也。有略煮即不嫩者,鲜鱼、酣蛤之类是也。肉起迟则红色变黑,鱼起迟则活肉变死。屡开锅盖,则多沫而少香;火熄再烧,则走油而味失。道人以丹成九转为仙,儒家以无过、不及为中。司厨者,能知火候而谨伺之,