Wavelet-denoising technique in near-infrared methane detection based on tunable diode laser absorpti

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A novel wavelet denoising (WD) assisted wavelength modulation technique is proposed for improving near-infrared detection performance on methane concentration based on tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS). Due to the ability of multi-level analytical resolutions both in time- and frequency-domains, the noise contained in the differential signal is greatly suppressed. Sensor mechanical part, optical part and electrical part are integrated, and a portable detection device is finally developed. Theory and formulations of the WD-assisted wavelength modulation technique are presented, and experiments are carried out to prove the normal function on the extraction of the second harmonic (2f) signal from severely polluted differential signal by using the technique. By virtue of WD’s suppression on noises, the sensing characteristics on CH4 concentration are improved, and the limit of detection (LOD) is decreased from 4×10-6 (without WD processing) to 10-6. The proposed technique can also be used for the measurement on the concentration of other gases with corresponding near-infrared distributed feedback lasers.
We present a resolution testing system of ultraviolet (UV) imager.In this system, an UV Czerny-Turner monochromator with a small f-number is designed to get more energy as an UV radiation source, and its stray light is rejected effectively by light traps.
为了研究类镍氪32.8 nm激光输出所需的等离子体状态,利用Cowan程序计算了类镍氪32.8 nm激光系统的有关原子参数。根据能级参数,建立并求解了准稳态近似下的有关能级速率方程,计算获得了激光上、下能级的相对粒子数密度和相对增益系数随电子温度和电子密度的变化规律,并分析了3d94p、3d94d和3d94f组态的能级对激光产生的影响。通过理论计算得到实现类镍氪32.8 nm激光输出所需的最佳等离子体状态。最佳电子温度约为75 eV,最佳电子密度约为1018 cm-3。计算结果为未来开展毛细管放电抽运类镍
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针对由应变场变化和环境载荷等因素引起的结构变形问题,设计了一种基于光纤光栅传感网络的自由曲面结构状态感知系统,提出了基于布拉格光栅(FBG)阵列测试数据的三维曲面重建算法。 通过ANSYS对曲面结构加载不同状态载荷,仿真分析了其应变场分布规律,在100 N时其最大形变量为0.243 mm,并根据应力场分布特性确立了FBG阵列的位置。搭建了曲面位置偏移及三维应力场分布的测试系统。实验结果表明,Handyscan测量数据与实际测量数据的绝对误差均保持在0.026 mm之内,说明三维重构曲面可以很好地反映实际曲
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