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植物学家胡先先生的《水杉歌》是我国科学史上的珍贵史料。1962年一经发表 ,即受到毛泽东主席、陈毅副总理的重视。三十多年间 ,不少同志对此进行过专门研究。但是 ,由于原诗文字深奥 ,加之印制过程中的以讹传讹 ,国家图书馆所藏发表该诗的报刊书籍中 ,几无一家与原诗相同 ,各家的解释更令人莫衷一是。基于此 ,莫容、胡洪涛二先生在1999年花去数月时间核对原诗 ,稽考史料。莫先生为学界中人 ,兼备深厚的古汉语基础 ,故筚路蓝缕 ,首开抛砖之功 ,对此诗作了翔实完备的注释 ,胡洪涛先生对此诗作了白话翻译 ,以期更多的同志能够理解胡先马肃先生《水杉歌》的科学内涵以及献身科学的精神。胡先先生虽已仙去多年 ,可是 ,其“博闻强识”、“笺疏草木虫鱼细”的科学精神和“格物致知”、“一物不知真所耻”的科学态度却日久弥新。如今科学更加昌明 ,上到太空、下至海洋等各个领域 ,“泱泱汉帜”业已飘扬。但是毋庸讳言 ,非科学、伪科学的东西仍旧占有一定的市场 ,因此读科学先辈的诗、倡科学研究之风 ,意义大焉。此 ,即莫容、胡洪涛二先生注释此诗、翻译此诗的目的所在 ,亦即编辑编发此诗的宗旨所在。愿科学之风日盛! The “Metasequoia Song” by botanist Hu Xiangyang is a precious historical material in the history of science in our country. Once published in 1962, it was valued by Chairman Mao Zedong and Vice Premier Chen Yi. Thirty years, many comrades conducted a special study. However, due to the esoteric nature of the original poem and the corrupt practices in the printing process, none of the newspapers and periodicals published by the National Library of the People’s Republic of China published the poem are the same as the original poem. Based on this, Mo Rong, Mr. Hu Hongtao spent several months in 1999 to check the original poem, historical materials. Mr. Mo is a scholar of the academic community and has a profound foundation of ancient Chinese. Therefore, he made a blueprint and made the first attempt to throw aside bricks. He made a full and complete comment on the poem. Mr. Hu Hongtao translated his poem into vernacular so as to allow more comrades to understand Hu First Mr. Ma Su “Metasequoia Song” scientific connotation and dedication to the spirit of science. Although Mr. Hu Xiangyan has been immortal for many years, his scientific attitude of “Benevolent Knowledge,” “Unpredictable Meadows and Insects,” and his scientific attitude of “making things known to the world” and “ Long time new. Now science is more prosperous, on the space, down to the sea and other fields, ”Han Zhi" has flown. Needless to say, non-scientific and pseudo-science still occupy a certain market. Therefore, it is of great significance to read the poems of scientific forerunners and advocate the scientific research style. This Mo Yung, Mr. Hu Hongtao two notes this poem, the purpose of this poem is translated, that is, editors compiled this poem is the purpose. Science and science is willing to flourish!
在这天高云淡、花好月圆的迷人季节里,来自全国 26个省市、自治区的 120个代表队的 2500位中老年朋友,带着他们精心编排、寄托着他们无数美好理想的一个个作品,欢聚在依山傍海、